Yorkshire Ripper peter Sutcliffe To Turn To Islam For Protection From Violent Jail Inmates

Yorkshire Ripper peter Sutcliffe To Turn To Islam For Protection From Violent Jail Inmates

 By James Simons-

The Yorkshire ripper Sutcliffe plans to convert to Islam after radical Islamists in jail offered him protection if he converts to Islam.

Peter Sutcliffe, currently serving 20 concurrent life sentences after murdering 20  women in 1981 has been threatened by violent inmates at the HM prison where he will die for the despicable crimes he committed two decades ago.

Jail birds are understandably horrified by the evil crimes committed by Sutcliffe, who is one of the world’s worst serial killers ever known. By Sutcliffe converting to Islam, he becomes a slave to those compelling him to convert, since any conversion he makes will not be an honest representation of his true beliefs.

Sutcliffe’s crimes are beyond redemption; he will be haunted by the wickedness of his monstrous atrocities. Sutcliffe will soon find out that in Islam, the conventional belief is that Allah weighs up the good and bad of a human being at the end of their lives in determining whether they get into the theoretical gates of heaven.

By those standards, Sutcliffe will be doomed, and will only be converting to escape attack. There will be no place for him in Islam’s paradise,  and he will continue his sentence in utter misery without much respite. If Sutcliffe converts, he will probably earn the protection he has been promised, and will be used as an instrument to propagate Islam, but who will listen to the world’s most wicked mongrel of the last few decades?

Viewed another way, Sutcliffe is being punished further in jail by being somewhat coerced to take on a religion he doesn’t naturally believe in. He could choose to believe in it, but the moment he knows the criteria Islam offers for everlasting life gives him no hope of salvation. Dealing with this reality will be torture beyond belief for the perverted rapist, who dominated national news during his reign of terror in the late 70’s to early 80’s.

Sutcliffe is trapped in a web created by his evil past- there will be no escape for him in jail or any future life out there after death. He will probably be subjected to regular testing to confirm he is actually learning something from the Islamic book he reads and remembering intimate details about what he reads. Nowhere will his cruel rapes and killings be justified in the Quran, though he may wish he had the opportunity to have four wives as a freeman.  This was impossible because Sutcliff was a compulsive devil who seemed incapable of controlling his crazy urges.

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