Ted Heath Sexual Abuse Allegations May Be True Or False

Ted Heath Sexual Abuse Allegations May Be True Or False

By James Simons-

The sexual allegations against former UK prime minister, Ted Heath, are true or false, we will never know for sure.

True And False Allegations of sexual abuse should in principle be taken as false until proven true. The problem with this easier said than done principle is that human beings often want to be able to speculate on whether an allegation is true or false.

They want to be able to speculate accurately but without concrete evidence, this is not possible. It is not possible to know without any possibility of error whether an allegation of any type is true or false until complete evidence is fully analysed. The simple reason is that human beings are different for so many reasons. Some have strange reasons for being dishonest, other quite simply have ulterior, motives.  The U.K has seen incredible and shameful allegations against high standing individuals in the last year alone.

The allegation against Jimmy Saville of several sexual abuses of an extreme nature against boys and girls, was a record breaker. Many never thought the television celebrity mist loved in the 70’s was capable of such perverse and depraved sexual abuses. For goodness sake, the guy was shagging corpses, and this was a television personality who received an MBE from the Queen. Sick as an animal, in fact, comparing him to animals is an insults to the animal kingdom. Animals have more decency than the deceased former Yorkshire man. Saville broke records when it came to the scale of his perversion.

Since Saville, we have had Rolf Harris, and several others. Now, we have the former Prime Minister, Ted Heath’s name being dragged in the mud. Oh no! Let it not be true. The allegation that the late  Sir Ted Heath committed sexual abuses as part of satanic rituals is appalling to the ears, and has been dismissed by a top sociologists as ”fantastical”. The accusers are said to have been put in a state of hypnotism and recalled incidences of children being murdered as a satanic ritual.

Former Prime Minister, Ted Heath is not alive to answer the extreme allegations made against him, making it almost vain to pursue an inquiry or examination of this extreme allegation. The allegation should have been brought when he was alive. True or false, northing these days should be surprising no matter how shocking. Those high in the hierarchical structural order will often do everything in their power to protect powerful people accused of incredibly heinous crimes, even where the suspicion of guilt lurks. They present barriers of all sorts to protect powerful people who may be guilty of atrocious crimes, when their loyalties should lie with the poor victims of their horrific crimes. Only Last March, a £2m police investigation into a VIP Paedophile ring was closed without a single  arrsst.


Ted Heath Should Be Given Benefit Of Doubt

Ted Heath should be given the benefit of the doubt, if anything, because the evidence is questionable and he is not here. One thing beyond dispute is that satanic rituals do exist and many high standing people believe in it.  Satanic rituals are based on the idea that the evil committal of an act serves as  a sacrifice to Satan who will in turn use his magical powers to pave the way for success in the life of the performer of the ritual.  No sane and respectable minded person would ever agree to indulge in such evil and wicked act, especially given the probable chances of being caught.  However there are many who have indulged in this unthinkable act. Former Prime Minister, Ted Heath, should be given the benefit of the doubt because it is the fair thing to do, without overwhelming evidence .

Allegation against the dead denies the supposed defendant a right to defend himself  even though we can all agree that the disgusting Jimmy Saville could not have done anything with that right, except to open his filthy mouth and speak a load of garbage in a hopeless attempt to deny the painfully obvious fact that he was a dreaded monster that should never have been born.  Late Ted Heath was a prime minister, and as such one would need to be absolutely certain that the allegations against him were true beyond a reasonable doubt before any concrete condemnations or even negative opinions can be expressed.

One important thing is for the police to be on the ball with respect satanic rituals; especially as they are relatively uncommon and generally unexpected. The fact is they are very real and have occurred for decades, explaining the several occasions missing limbs and missing torsos have been found in the Thames in the past and announced on the news.

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