Paul McCartney Claims To Have Seen God Whilst High On Drugs

Paul McCartney Claims To Have Seen God Whilst High On Drugs

By Chris Williamson-
Paul McCartney has made a remarkable if not ludicrous claim that he saw God while tripping on DMT. The star went on to add that he gave Stormzy a quick tutorial in composing when the rapper asked him for help to expand his skills, in a separate non DMT assisted encounter.

The music icon says he took the hallucinogenic while still in the Beatles with the gallery owner and art dealer Robert Fraser. His claim featured in an interview with the Sunday Times shows the various dimensions to which drugs can at times take its users when really high. People’s perceptions of God differ widely; many have talked of the outer body experience, whilst many others have spoken of seeing a bright light in a tunnel during a near death experience. However, the idea of perceiving God when high on drugs is a new one, but nobody can discredit McCartney’s experience for the obvious reason that no one else has his eyes or was in his shoes.

McCartney should have no reason to make this up either, it is an account of a subjective reality he shared with Robert only. Their joint decision to describe what they saw as God is also an interpretation that comes from their feelings and perception at the time.

“We were immediately nailed to the sofa. And I saw God, this amazing towering thing, and I was humbled,” McCartney recalled.

“It was huge. A massive wall that I couldn’t see the top of, and I was at the bottom. And anybody else would say it’s just the drug, the hallucination, but both Robert and I were like, ‘Did you see that?’ We felt we had seen a higher thing.”

Having experienced people close to me dying, you often hear this from others when you say you’re missing a person so much. ‘Don’t worry,’ they say. ‘They’re here, looking down on you.’ And there’s part of you that thinks there is no proof of that. But there’s part of you that wants to believe it. I like to allow myself to think that happens, rather than stopping myself thinking of the possibility.”

Making reference to an example in which he believes he made contact with his late wife Linda, who died in 1998, he said: “I was in the country once, and I saw a white squirrel. So, this was Linda, come back to give me a sign. … It was a great moment. It thrilled me. Goosebumps! Obviously, I have no proof it was her at all, but it was good for me to think that.” When tripping on a separate occasion, the star says he was “thrilled” to see a white squirrel which he took to be his late wife Linda, who had come to give him a message.

His interview also included a moment he had with Stormzy in which he said also said that Stormzy had asked him for some pointers on how to compose on the piano.

“He’s looking to advance his music. As a rapper, I thought he’d have words down, but there was a piano, so I showed him basic stuff — how you get middle C, make a chord, a triad and, just by moving that, get D minor, E minor, F, G, A minor, and how that’s enough for anyone.” Interesting story, but I reckon the music legend may have been tripping when he gave his out of this world account. One question for Mccartney is why he has had no further encounters with God when high on drugs, unless he wants to claim to have had drugs only a few times after those two experiences. I doubt that

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