Lowest Covid-19 Tests Fatality Rates Is Encouraging Development For Overall Progress

Lowest Covid-19 Tests Fatality Rates Is Encouraging Development For Overall Progress

By Ashley Young-

The UK has recorded its lowest daily coronavirus fatality figure in the last two months with 160 further deaths.

The increase in fatality is the lowest recorded by the Department of Health since 24 March, taking the total to 34,796.

The figure includes coronavirus-related fatalities including hospitals, care homes and the community.

It evidences a notable improvement in the number of fatalities arising from Covid-19.

The Eye Of Media.Com has highlighted that the number of recorded deaths from care homes are unreliable because they arise from medical conclusions unsupported by proper testing. Added care home deaths attributed to Covid-19 were reportedly concluded after medical experts assessed ill patients unable to go to hospital and diagnosed them with Covid-19.

Seven of those had no known underlying health condition, and they were aged between 50 and 85. The new statistics  come as Health Secretary Matt Hancock  announced that the UK aged five and over who has coronavirus symptoms is now eligible for a test, Health Secretary Matt Hancock has said

The statistics revealed that in Wales,  four people have died, taking its total to 1,207.

The number of deaths in Northern Ireland has risen to 482, after six more deaths were reported.

In Scotland, there were two further deaths reported, taking its total to 2,105.


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