Jealousy is An Awful Disease

Jealousy is An Awful Disease

By Lucy Caulkett-

Jealousy is an awful disease that will never be eradicated from the world. It is the terrible feeling that arises when someone wishes they had something you have, instead of you.

Jealousy could arise over ones material possessions, partner, class, or even appearance. It is an evil that should be be despised completely.

We must mince no words in criticising it if ever we notice it in our friends, relatives, or children. Jealousy is a destroyer of relationships and of the human soul. Jealousy is an awful disease.

There are men who are so jealous of any communication their women have.with any males that they snap at any sign of communication with another female. No matter how innocent that communication is.

Some women are also the jealous type, but fair to say there are more jealous men than women. This is often because men judge women by their standards, or their past standards.

They fear the possibility of them cheating because they are cheats themselves, or once were. They want to dictate what they wear, how long they are out, how often they are.on Facebook,  who they can talk to, and so forth.

Jealous people can also be jealous of their friends who are succeeding or doing better in life. They bring down any positive idea you raise because they fear you  are moving up the ladder, and want to keep you down.

It is easy to fail to detect jealous people, if oblivious to their crafty and jealous minds. They want to be better than you all the time instead of encouraging you to move on.and celebrating your success and good idea.

Jealousy can be justified in some circumstances. If one were to catch their partner kissing someone else, or in bed with another person, there would be every reason to be jealous.

That’s because you are being cheated in a relationship were you are loyal, if indeed you are loyal. If someone from the.opposite sex gave your spouse a lovely birthday present, better than what you gave your partner.

However, in such scenario,  this is a jealousy you must handle wisely. First try to establish if there is an underlying motive behind the nice gift and perhaps nicely ask for it to be returned, unless you are good friends with the person who gave the gifts.

Jealousy should be addressed whenever discovered. The jealous man or woman should be handled with great skill.and wisdom, if they are an integral part of your life.

However, if they are just a friend an acquaintance, arms length may be the best solution. For jealousy is an awful disease that should not be accommodated.

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