Girls Being Made To Secretly Supply Drugs In Jails

Girls Being Made To Secretly Supply Drugs In Jails

By Gavin Mackintosh-

Girls are being made to secretly supply drugs to jails, according to an experienced oriso. Governor
The man, who doesn’t want to be named, works in Belmarsh prison.

He told the eye of ” many girls are being made by their boyfriends to bring drugs for them for prisons. The girls hide the drugs in their bras, or private parts where they store them until they pass them on to their boyfriends”.

The governor said he had been told this by a number of girls  he knows personally, who were someone teasing him about the ease with which many girls are able to smuggle drugs into prisons without being caught.

He was subsequently part of a team that intercepted some of such plans when through certain *special powers” available , they opened letters written by some male  prisoners to their partners and saw  requests made by them to sneak drugs in.
Some girls who are terrified of their jailed partners, comply with the requests, and most of the time , get away with it.

“Girls have admitted taking cocaine, cannabis, and even spice” the prison governor said.   Somemodnhis girls comply with the requests out of loyalty and love for their boyfriends, but a growing number do so out of fear of what will happen when they come out “.

A rise in mental health problems and suicide rates have been reported many prisons due to psycho active substances like spice, and many drugs like crack.

Educational and vocational courses are offered in many  jails, but those who benefit from them are generally fewer than those who  simply self-destruct further . The wide availability of drugs in jails makes rehabilitation a much more difficult process than would otherwise be the case

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