Controversial comedian, Russell Brand, was one of the most recognizable faces at the widely attended protests against austerity in central London, and he pulled no punches in making his thoughts abundantly clear. The outspoken comedian spoke of the heartbreak of seeing the Conservative government win a second term and took responsibility for the outright defeat of the opposition Labor for coming second best in those elections.

”I think like most of us here I feel inspired to see people in this square in such incredible numbers after the results at the general election.’Like most of you here I felt crushing disappointment on the morning after the election, unlike many of you I felt personally to blame for it. I thought I’d broken the country. My personal feelings about this are very, very, deep”

”Without a welfare state I wouldn’t have been educated, without a welfare state I wouldn’t have had anywhere to live, without a welfare state my mum would’ve died of cancer several times.
‘I am personally a product of the welfare state – not least because I signed on for eight years while I learned to be a comedian, so somewhat grateful for it.”

His rousing speech was hailed by the crowd as many screamed out ‘Legend’, The famous comedian, also known for some of his outrageous and reckless jokes, entertained members of the public for selfies. Many were delighted to be around him, and he courted many ordinary people nicely.Eye of Media were not courted though, as Brand was in no mood for interviews. But there was an appeal to his shared thoughts, and a humility about the way he reflected on his past reliance on the welfare state as he honed his comic skills which has made him a multi-millionaire today. Brand is known for dissuading people from participating in elections, and most notably remembered from courting Ed Milliband when preparing for his failed bid to lead the country in May’s elections last year. He has always branded politicians to be liars and fraudsters, and seems to be anti establishment. Only recently, he joked that the ISIS flag should be flown above buckingham palace.

So, the austerity measures announced by the government may have given some fuel to his general disposition. The issue of austerity announced by the government is a value judgement however one views it. It has its advantages and its disadvantages. People can’t stay on their ass out of work for too long, it encourages an unacceptable level of laziness. At the same time the benefits and assistance provided by the welfare state cannot be understated. It provides something to sustain the well being of the unemployed, even if it be the bare minimum. It is much better than nothing, but also not good enough for the developing individual. Brand’s sentiments were shared by singer Charlotte Church, who branded the government’s austerity measures ‘unethical, unfair,and unnecessary’. What this country needs, she said, is ”economic stimulation

The rally brought together over 200,000 people that included students and campaigners.

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