Andrew Sabisky Was 2020’s Most Misfit  Adviser

Andrew Sabisky Was 2020’s Most Misfit Adviser

By Martin Cole-

Former Downing Street adviser, Andrew Sabisky has been voted the Uk’s most  disgraced official adviser of 2020, by The Eye Of Media.Com , after he was sacked shortly after hire.

Sabisky lost his highly  paid post for past blogs suggesting that racial intelligence was genetics, and that black Americans were less intelligent than white Americans.

The 27 year old hit the jackpot when he was hired by Downing Street, after responding to an advert for weirdos and  misfits, but the short- lived appointment was soon blown away when past writings of his blatantly accused journalists of not recognising that racial intelligence was well founded.

The offensive blog post read: “As for race and IQ, I can only excuse the journalists here on the grounds of laziness, since the facts are perfectly clear to anyone who has researched the issue for more than 5 minutes (which I do appreciate is an awfully long time).

“There are excellent reasons to think the very real racial differences in intelligence are significantly – even mostly – genetic in origin, though the degree is of course a very serious subject of scholarly debate.

“That debate busily bustles on, and I’m sure we’ll have more precise answers in another 5 years or so, though whether the politicians will pay any attention is debatable. Labour is also demanding he be sacked due to past remarks about a “permanent underclass” being created by “unplanned pregnancies”.

Mr Sabisky’s previous comments on subjects such as eugenics, mind-enhancing drugs for children, FGM and women’s sport have also recently emerged.
Labour successfully demanded he be sacked due to past remarks about a “permanent underclass” being created by “unplanned pregnancies”.

Mr Sabisky’s purported previous comments on subjects such as eugenics, mind-enhancing drugs for children, FGM and women’s sport have also recently emerged.

Downing Street did not comment, and a spokesperson for Mr Johnson repeatedly refusing to say whether or not the prime minister agreed with Mr Sabisky’s purported views. However, the question should have directly been put through to Boris Johnson himself.”

Intelligence Debate

Debates over whether intelligence is mainly due to environmental and cultural factors,  genetic factor, or a combination of  factors is the appropriate framing of the debate have existed for centuries.

The scientific consensus today is that genetics do not explain differences in IQ test performance between racial groups.

In the late 19th and early 20th century, group differences in intelligence were assumed to be racial in nature, research mainly relying on measurements such as brain size or reaction times. By the mid-1940s most psychologists had adopted the view that environmental and cultural factors predominated

. More recent appraisals by James Flynn, William Dickens and Richard Nisbett has highlighted the narrowing gap between racial groups in IQ test performance, along with other corroborating evidence that environmental rather than genetic factors are the cause of these differences.

Francis Galton a psychologist, anthropologist, and eugenist, knighted in 1909 attempted to estimate the intelligence of various racial and ethnic groups. He based his estimations on observations from his and others’ travels, the number and quality of intellectual achievements of different groups, and on the percentage of “eminent men” in each of these groups. Galton argued that intelligence was normally distributed in all racial and ethnic

Meanwhile, escaped slave , Frederick Douglass (1817-1895) gained high clout for his oratory and brilliant writings, despite having learned to read as a child largely through surreptitious observation. He was hailed by abolitionists as a living counter-example to slaveholders’ arguments that people of African descent lacked the intellectual capacity to function as independent American citizen

With all his supposed intelligence, Sabisky failed to recognise that accomplishments can be hindered by other factors like background, environment, and even motivation. Negative influences and lack of education can also hinder intelligence.


Sabisky’s expressed view on racial intelligence was itself lacking in high intelligence. Had he been exercising the high intelligence he implicitly claims, he would have known that those comments could return to haunt him. instead, even in his sacking he failed to show high enough intelligence in defending himself, when he had a whole national media platform to do so when the cameras were set on him.

Further, for a man who was once a blogger, he could have confidently found a platform to defend himself as intelligently as possible, since he would as an intelligent man have no shortage of words to convince the public he had solid grounds for his view, expressing them as well as possible.

Instead, he failed woefully, disappearing into the abyss of relative obscurity, a far cry from the fame and career elevation that awaited him.
Notoriety was all that resulted from the revelation, and he till this day never attempted to validate his point.

The so-called higher intelligence he supposedly had as a white man, was no where to be found when most needed. He is 2020’smost disgraced misfit of an adviser.


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