West Ham United Co Owner Will Support Beggar Hero

West Ham United Co Owner Will Support Beggar Hero

By Sammie Jones-
The help offered by West Hams co- owner, David Sullivan , to a brave beggar in Manchester , is priceless.
Sullivan was so impressed when he heard of the bravery of Stephen Jones, ( not a relative by the way)a begger who went to the aid of the injurred in Manchester’ s terrorist attack.  Jones was begging at the venue but went to the aid of the injurred after the blast went off , rather than fleeing the scene for his own safety .
West Ham United’s co- owner was so touched that he offered the begger free housing and support for six months. He also promised to sort the begger out some money, but did not specify the amount.  On West Ham’ s website, he said :
“Dave and and myself were both hugely impressed by he bravery shown by Steve , the emergency services, and all those who rushed to the aid of those affected. It was actions like this that makes Britain a fantastic place”.
Beggars are often overlooked by society, mainly because many of them are resigned to a life of free loading to support terrible drug and alcohol habits. They compromise their health a lot by not eating enough, whilst at the same time abusing their health in the place of food. However, some of them have good hearts, even better than many hardworking and dignified members of society. Their depreciated level of self pride undermines any good nature they have, but it is worth being conscious that they are still people. Most of them need psychological and professional help.


The help from Sullivan is praiseworthy but it is important that the beggar is supported appropriately , also assisting him with any addictions he may possibly  have. This beggar showed true human spirit of empathy, and deserves the very best support he can get in return. Free accommodation will change the beggar’s present circumstances, but Sullivan will need to examine the whole of the beggar’s life including any skills or potential he may have.
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