French Politician Calls For Marshal Arts  In Schools

French Politician Calls For Marshal Arts  In Schools

By Ben Kerrigan-

A French politician has called for marshal arts to be made mandatory in French schools.

Jean Lasselle, who is gunning for presidency next year, claims the level of fear in schools in the wake of recent terrorist attacks, calls for students to be able to defend themselves in a calm and confident way.

Lasselle seemed to be insinuating knowledge that students  are carrying knives out of fear of attacks, but will feel much safer if they had the training of marshal arts.

The ambitious politician told French newspaper Let Feyaro ” we must compel marshal arts in.schools. People will be scared and carrying knives, but marshal arts will allow students to respond to fear in a safe and peaceful way”.


His recommendation comes a.month after the throat of an 86 year old priest was slit by two extremist recluses, allegedly acting in the name of ISIS.

This dreadful incidence came just two weeks after a truck ploughed into a group of people celebrating the Bastille fire works in Nice, Paris, killing 130 and injuring a further 300.

France had been subjected to a series of horrifying attacks in the.last few years. The country was still reeling from the awful co-ordinated attacks of 2015 in which several lives were lost- the subsequent attacks made the country’s security appear quite lapse.


Marshal arts is a very useful form of defense for anybody to have,  but how it can defend students from a group of.maniacs with knives, guns, or even a bomb, is laughable.

Guns and bombs have no respect for the advanced skills of marshal arts.

Once it is formerly announced that marshal arts in.compulsory in French schools, terrorist organizations will just laugh. After all attacks with knives by terrorists are less common than attacks with guns and bombs.

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