Youtube Woman Posts  Pathetic Video Message Questioning Credibility Of  Bill Cosby’s Victims

Youtube Woman Posts Pathetic Video Message Questioning Credibility Of Bill Cosby’s Victims

By Isabella Wilson-

A woman who produces YouTube videos under the title of Nicole’s View has posted a youtube message challenging the integrity of some of Cosby’s victims who testified against the fallen star and saw him jailed for historical sexual assault.

Cosby  was convicted of three counts of aggravated indecent assault and sentenced to three to 10 years in a Pennsylvania prison.
On her Twitter bio, Nicole from Austin, Texas , described herself  as a “Truth Teller”, but the essence of her 47-minute video was to defend the convicted criminal who once wooed the world with his jovial humuor as a comedian narrator.

Some women in Texas who are aware of many others who have suffered sexual attacks find the woman’s actions insensitive and cheap. A group of female activists in Texas are considering contacting the woman to rebuke her  decision believed to curry favour from the disgraced actor and his family.  Andrea Brown from Texas told The Eye Of Media.Com: ”women like these are self centred egomaniacs and release this type of video just for attention. They have no consideration for women affected by people like Bill Cosby,

She controversially made reference to his 2004 “Pound Cake Speech” where Cosby addressed the NAACP in Washington. Cosby had blasted children speaking English in a black street slang, attacked single parent homes and what he saw as the community’s overall lack of responsibility.

The video also disputed the quoted number of 60 complainants who alleged Cosby sexually harassed or assaulted them.

Nicole also questioned why main complainant Andrea Constand returned to court after Cosby paid her $3.38 million in her 2005 civil suits.

Bill Cosby acknowledged her support  on Twitter from behind bars.
He tweeted: “Nicole, I thank you for being fearless. Finally, America will have a front-row seat to witness the facts of my unjust conviction. Thank you and thank you. #TruthWillOut #FarFromFinished #BillCosbyIsInnocent #FreeBillCosby”.

The whole message was nonsensical propaganda aimed at supporting the fallen American star



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