Cyber Attacks from the White House On Russia is unwise

Cyber Attacks from the White House On Russia is unwise

By Eric King-

The White House is threatening Cyber attacks against Russia, according to Dimitriv Peskov, the vice Russian president.

Speaking to a Russian media outlet, RIA Nivosti, Peskov said the unpredictability and aggression from the U.S was growing, and requiring ”precautionary measures” from Russia.

He warned that the fact the threats were coming from the level of the level of vice president , makes it dangerous for the whole world.

“The fact is, US unpredictability and aggression keeps growing, and such threats against Moscow and our country’s leadership are unprecedented, because the threat is being announced at the level of the US Vice President,”

Peskov told RIA Novosti.
“Of course, given such an aggressive, unpredictable line, we have to take measures to protect our interests, somehow hedge the risks, he said.


An NBC News report had previously cited that “current and former officials,” claiming a ”clandestine cyber attack” on Russia in retaliation for its attempt to influence the U.S elections against Hilary Clinton.

The report stated that the CIA is planning a “clandestine” cyberattack on Russia – “wide-ranging operation” meant to “embarrass” Russia’s leadership, NBC News reported.

Sources close to the report claim the CIA had been tasked with providing options to the White House.

The seriousness of the cyber threat from the U.S on Russia, has been undermined by WikiLeaks, who have insisted that even the very announcement of the threat discredits it.

“If the US ‘clandestine’ pending cyberwar on Russia was serious: 1) it would not have been announced 2) it would be the NSA [National Security Agency] and not the CIA,” WikiLeaks wrote on Twitter.



The comments from Wikileaks makes sense, but all it does is add fuel to the suspicion that Wikileaks must have had a political agenda in leaking the information about Clinton’s emails. Wikileaks most recent release of the Podesta emails that exposed Hilary Clinton’s connection to Wall street, her views on Syria, and private communications about UFOs have heightened allegations that Russia had some role in the leaks.

However, the press secretary to the Russian president last week claimed that thousands of hackers attempt to get into the system of Russian officials on a daily basis, yet Moscow never points their hands at Washington.

This point is true, though a look at all the facts are necessary when examining all the factors useful in determining the likely facts. There is no concrete evidence of Russias’s involvement in the Cyber attacks on Clinton’s emails, but it looks highly suspicious.

Even if Russia was involved in the hacking, this doesn’t mean the U.S government should directly threaten retaliation in this sensitive times. Making relations between the U.S and Russia more tense than they already are should be seen as a retrogade step that is very unhelpful for the current fragile political climate

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