Weddings Booked For Spring Or Summer Severely Hit By Corona Crisis

Weddings Booked For Spring Or Summer Severely Hit By Corona Crisis

By Charlotte Webster

Weddings booked for March or April poses a crisis for many couples who had been looking forward to their big day.

With the warnings against large gatherings which have turned London into a ghost town, and closed down several business, weddings will also take a big hit as many weary members of the public stay home and minimise the sort of wide contact that comes with weddings.

One way couples planning to get married can limit the impact of the coronavirus crisis on their wedding is to contact all guests and confirm they have not travelled to a high risk area since the coronavirus spread began.However, this will not guarantee that they have not picked up the virus from some third party somewhere.The coronovirus therefore poses a big threat to all weddings booked for the wrong year

A vast majority of weddings scheduled for this spring or summer will be cancelled, and that assumes they will be able to obtain a refund from the venues they have booked.”

Wedding vendors are typically booked months in advance, so changing your wedding date last minute can often be tricky. Luckily, Proper’s vendors and venue have been pretty understanding. Still, the couple has come across one issue: available wedding dates are few and far between at this point.


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