Unprotected Sex Is A Concerning Global Issue That Spreads Diseases Including HIV And Herpis

Unprotected Sex Is A Concerning Global Issue That Spreads Diseases Including HIV And Herpis

By Sheila Mckenzie-

Unprotected sex remains a concerning issue globally, including in the United Kingdom.

Despite numerous awareness campaigns and easily accessible contraception methods, a significant number of individuals continue to engage in unprotected sexual activities, and spread diseases as a result.

The spread of sexual diseases has continued unknown to the public, and is becoming a worrying problem, without much public attention on this area.

Determining the exact prevalence of unprotected sex is challenging due to the sensitive nature of the topic and the likelihood of underreporting.

However, various studies and surveys provide valuable insights into the issue.

Current research suggests the recklessness of unprotected issue is constant, particularly among teenagers and young people- one of the reasons teenage pregnancy continues to rise in the West.

The National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal) conducted in 2019 estimated that approximately 30% of men and women in the UK reported having had unprotected sex with at least one partner in the previous year.

Another survey conducted by YouGov in 2020 indicated that 44% of respondents admitted to having unprotected sex at some point in their lives.

Once people engage in unprotected sex the likelihood of a recurrence is higher for every subsequent sexual experience. Habit soon becomes a lifestyle with limited control.

Research suggests that the practise of unprotected sex is not reducing, but increasing , particular in the summer period when hormones are running wild for teenagers and very young people. Very few are conscious of the  real risks involved.

Research also suggests that  roughly 5% of those who engage in unprotected sex consider the risks of catching STD’s, but ignore it, and the rest do not even think about it.

Less than 1% of those who engage in unprotected sex consider the possibility of becoming a single mother in the event the relationship fails following pregnancy.

Reasons for Unprotected Sex

Several factors contribute to the prevalence of unprotected sex in the UK. These reasons can vary among individuals and may include impulsivity, alcohol, lack of foresight, and just pure negligence.

Insufficient knowledge about contraception methods, their effectiveness, and the potential consequences of unprotected sex can has been cited as one of the reasons for unprotected sex, leading to to careless behaviour.

Limited education and poor sexual health awareness contribute to this knowledge gap.

In committed relationships, couples may choose to forgo contraception due to a desire to conceive or a mutual trust in each other’s sexual health status. However, this can still pose risks if either partner has an undiagnosed STD.

Limited access to contraception methods, including barriers related to cost, availability, or healthcare services has also been raised as one of the contributing factors to unprotected sex in some cases, but not all.

In some cases, individuals may prioritize emotional connections over physical safety, leading them to engage in unprotected sex despite the potential risks.

Statistics on Associated STDs:

Engaging in unprotected sex significantly increases the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. Here are some statistics related to STDs in the UK:

Chlamydia is the most commonly reported STD in the UK. According to Public Health England, there were over 222,000 cases of chlamydia reported in 2020.

Gonorrhea is another prevalent STD in the UK. In 2020, there were approximately 71,000 reported cases of gonorrhea.

Human Papillomavirus (HPV): HPV is a common viral infection transmitted through sexual contact. It is estimated that 80% of sexually active individuals will contract HPV at some point in their lives.

HIV: Although HIV transmission rates have significantly decreased in recent years, the risk still exists. In 2020, there were around 4,139 new HIV diagnoses in the UK.

Despite efforts to promote safe sex and increase awareness of contraception methods, unprotected sex remains a prevalent issue in the UK. Factors such as lack of knowledge, misconceptions, impaired judgment, and limited access to contraception contribute to this behavior.

The statistics on sexually transmitted diseases associated with unprotected sex highlight the potential health risks involved. Addressing these issues requires comprehensive sexual education, improved access to contraception, and continued efforts to raise awareness about

Despite widespread knowledge about contraception methods, unprotected sex continues to be prevalent, particularly among young individuals.

Understanding these factors can aid in developing effective strategies to promote safer sexual practices and reduce the incidence of unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Factors Contributing to Unprotected Sex Among Youths in the UK

In both the UK and the US, shortcomings in sexual education programs exist. The quality and comprehensiveness of sex education can vary, leading to knowledge gaps regarding contraception methods, their proper use, and the potential consequences of unprotected sex.

Insufficient sexual education fails to empower young people with the necessary information to make informed decisions.

Teenagers indulge fearlessly in unprotected sex and rarely discuss the danger amongst one another.

One teenager, 17 year old A level student, Pter Addington, told The Eye Of Media.Com: ‘Peer influence plays a significant role in shaping young people’s behaviours and attitudes.

‘In certain social circles, the pressure to conform to perceived norms of sexual activity without adequate consideration for protection can lead to unprotected sex. Fear of being judged as “uncool” or inexperienced can sometimes override the prioritization of safety.

Another teenager, Sophie Murray, said: ” I think spontaneity in the moment plays a big role in unprotected sex, and this is often fueled by alcohol. Not many young people are conscious of STDs or the prospect of unwanted pregnancy’.

‘Young individuals often prioritize emotional connections and intimacy over the importance of protection.

This tendency to rely on trust and emotional bonds can lead to unprotected sex, particularly in the context of committed relationships.

‘Also Limited access to contraception methods, including barriers related to cost, availability, and confidentiality, can hinder young people’s ability to obtain and use contraceptives consistently.

Comparison to the Situation in America

While some factors contributing to unprotected sex among youths are similar in both the UK and the US, there are also notable differences:

The US exhibits significant variations in sexual education policies and practices across states.

Comprehensive sex education that includes information about contraception, consent, and STI prevention is not universally implemented, leading to knowledge gaps. In some areas, abstinence-only education may prevail, which can limit access to accurate information about contraception.

The US healthcare system and insurance coverage can present barriers to accessing contraception for young individuals.

Inadequate insurance coverage, limited access to affordable healthcare services, and challenges in obtaining prescriptions can affect the consistent use of contraception and contribute to higher rates of unprotected sex.

Cultural and religious beliefs surrounding sexuality and contraception vary between the UK and the US.

Conservative values and moral perspectives prevalent in some regions of the US may influence attitudes towards contraception and sexual health, potentially affecting the rates of unprotected sex among young individuals.

The UK has made significant progress in providing free contraception services to young people through specialized clinics, confidential services, and accessible information.

The US, on the other hand, faces challenges related to comprehensive healthcare policies and the political landscape, impacting the availability of affordable contraception options.

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