UK Primary School Teachers Failing Pupils In Reading

UK Primary School Teachers Failing Pupils In Reading

By James Simons And Sammie Jones-

UK Primary school teachers are failing pupils when it comes to reading.

Ongoing research by the eye of in education shows that children in many primary schools don’t know how to read and understand what they are reading.

The eye of has been conducting an extensive research into UK education , drawing comparisons with other countries . Our focus has been on primary and secondary education , using a wide range of qualitative and quantitative methods of the research.

A sample of students have been used with the permission and ci- operation of some schools, whilst in other cases , we have merely used children of families we know , and for their friends involved hat way.

Children between the ages of 7 and 10 across six schools in the UK demonstrated a lack of ability to smoothly read and understand the contents in the books provided by their schools. We found that over 90 percent of children samples from the 6 schools we looked at did not understand the materials in their books.

In addition to this, their teachers do not appear to be aware that the children have huge gaps in their understanding. Teachers also do not test their pupils well enough to discover their weaknesses, our research found.

Out of 34 pupils samples , only 3 students in the age bracket of 8 to 10 displayed evidence that they know how to read and understand what they were reading. Children don’t bother reading everything they are given to read , and those which do are too lazy to check meaning of new words.

The real concern is the fact that teachers don’t identify these problems , thereby offering little in the way of primary education. The eye of media.cim has contacted the school and parents of many of the children to highlight this worrying trend.

We have excluded the names.of the schools at the instructions of the editor of the eye of, to spare them the shame . Our goal is not to tarnish the reputation of these schools unnecessarily , but to highlight the need to raise their standards for the sake of our young children.

All teachers undergo a training course before teaching, but teachers of the students we have samples are below par, we are disappointed to say. The eye of with be investigating the methods of teacher training to see where we can have a constructive input into changes. The aspect of looking into the efficiency of reading was directed by if editor, Gabriel Princewill and carried out over the last two weeks as part of our research programme into schools . This finding is not representative of all UK Primary schools, but does suggest a slack in teaching standards across most public schools. No private primary schools has been included in the research so far.