U.S Presidential Candidate Bernie Stevens Vows To Fully Disclose Ufo Existence

U.S Presidential Candidate Bernie Stevens Vows To Fully Disclose Ufo Existence

By Aaron Miller-

Presidential candidate ,Bernard Stevens, says he will reveal all the government knows about Ufos if he wins the election in 2020.

Stevens said his wife Jane has impressed upon him to push the information out if he wins. He told podcast host Joe Rogan , ”I’ll tell you what my wife would demand I let you know.”

The New York Times reported earlier n the year that pilots with the U.S. Navy saw swiftly flying UFOs several times off the East Coast in 2014 and 2015. President Trump has expressed sceptcism about the reality of Ufos, but hard core enthusiasts are united in the conclusion of their existence.

Numerous sightings of Ufos over the decades, particularly the last decade has cemented the view of the definite existence of extra terrestrials , transforming what was once a rumour  to as close as the human race can come to the factual notion of other conscious life out there that possibly has more influence on this dimension that has historically been acknowledged.

Strange Ufo Spotted n Sky

The precise extent of alien influence on our realm has been the subject of miscellaneous research and analysis.Conclusions about aliens get very spooky when strong assertions by reputable academics suggest that some aliens life are able to take on human form, whilst truly being from another world.

The highly secretive and heavily guarded Area 51 has been the source of multiple conspiracy theories of bizarre alien life based there, but there has never been any public confirmation of this or why the area is indefinitely out of bounds to the public.

A national geographical poll conducted in 2012 found that 36% of Americans, an estimated 80 million people, believe UFOs exist, and a tenth believe they have spotted a ufo.  That percentage would have grown significantly since then.



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