Stormy Daniels Berated By Tweeter Users As Fame Seeking Litigant

Stormy Daniels Berated By Tweeter Users As Fame Seeking Litigant

By Aaron Miller-

Stormy Daniels has been accused by tweeter users of trying to stay relevant by suing three under cover officers whom she accuses of being Trump supporters. Daniels gained notoriety  after she claimed she had an affair with U.S President Donald Trump in 2006-2007. The White House denied Daniels’ allegations, and Daniels later sued president Trump for defamation of character after she claimed he falsely accused her of lying about being threatened. She lost the suit and was ordered to pay Trump $300,000.

It is not clear whether she has paid this fee or not, but is likely she has not. The White House has not commented on inquiries made by The Eye Of Media.Com to confirm whether she has paid. Daniels has milked the opportunity her past connection to Trump fetcher her, and for the record, it was notoriety, not fame.

Stephanie Clifford- known as Stormy Daniels- has now filed a suit against Ohio vice officers, who arrested her in July 2018. She is accusing them of false arrest, civil conspiracy and malicious prosecution. The porn actress is demanding $1 million in compensation and another million in punitive damages.  The incidence in question occurred in July last year, when three undercover vice officers arrested Daniels over three accounts of violating Ohio strip club laws. The laws prohibit nude or semi-nude dancers from touching patrons.

Daniels , who appears to be fishing hard for fame claims that her arrest was pre-planned by the officers and was “done for political purposes”.  The porn actress who has been on the receiving end of heavy criticism from this publication insists without any known evidence that the officers were supporters of U.S President Donald Trump.

Many twitter users blasted her recent suit, viewing the new lawsuit as an attempt at drawing attention to herself. One twitter user said: you have had your 15 mins of fame, please go away’. Another said ”she is still trying to stay relevant”. Some believe the porn woman is desperate to find money to pay president Trump after foolishly suing the president on a matter any good lawyer should have told her she had no chance of winning.

Daniels managed to be floated as a star, even receiving an invite to give a talk at the Oxford Union. She recently flaunted her breasts on an Instagram shoot at the same time Trump was given addressing the nation, an act meant as a slight on the president. But for those with a tight screw, her level of substance or lack of substance is clear to see. Another major defeat in this suit against the police awaits her.




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