Smokers Must Give Up For 2018 After Hard Advert

Smokers Must Give Up For 2018 After Hard Advert

By Charlotte Webster-

Smokers must consider given up after a powerful advert released on Friday by the public Health England.

The 20 second video released shows a man smoking outside a building. The advert depicts blood vessels in his hands, arms and face as it quickly turn black as chemicals from the cigarette tar enters his body.

Designed to urge England’s seven-million smokers to go “Smokefree” in the New Year, the advert is one that should be taken seriously by Britain’s smokers. The poignant advert is the best ever released and it will be very foolish for smokers to turn a blind eye to it. An important voiceover states:

“Every cigarette you smoke causes poison from tar to enter your bloodstream and spread to every part of your body. If you could see the damage, you’d stop,” .

PHE estimates that one person is admitted to hospital every minute of every day in England due to smoking.
It kills 79,000 people in the country each year and for every death, another 20 smokers have a smoking-related disease.


Professor John Newton, Director of Health Improvement at Public Health England said: “Our new TV ad shows how every cigarette sends a flood of poisonous chemicals through the bloodstream in seconds.

“People know that tar damages the lungs, but it’s less well understood that the poisons also reach the other major organs in the body.

“We are urging every smoker to take advantage of the free Smoke free support and quit for good this New Year.” Most smokers are caught up in the bad habit trap of using smoking as a coping mechanism to escape life’s many worries, but smokers need to take the strong step of seeking an alternative.

Lots of smokers have been giving up every year, with many using patches or available vapour or E cigarette or vapour to quench their cravings. Vicky Jenkinson from Dalston in London told The Eye Of Media.Com ”my doctor gave me the nicotine spray and it didn’t work, then they gave me the patches, and that didn’t work either. I then went on to the vapour, and it was a waste of money. I think people need the will power to give up smoking if they appreciate the need to do so.

I think it is your DNA whether you have the will power to stop smoking. I haven’t succeeded in giving up yet, but I will try to give up for the new year.


2018 should be the year in which smokers think twice about their bad habit. Ignorance is no excuse, but everyone is aware of the dangers of smoking, but there are many who don’t know the true extent of its harm. Peer pressure should be shaken off by those with any sense; the health hazards that accompany smoking are too serious to ignore.

Smokers must view other smokers as trapped in the same web as they are, and try their best to escape this awful trap that has caused so many tragic deaths. The Eye Of Media.Com supports the essence of the advert released by the government, and strongly urge all smokers to think long and hard about giving up and starting a new slate from the first day of January, 2018.

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