Queen  Elizabeth’s Welcome Appearance On Balcony For Trooping The Colour Flypast

Queen Elizabeth’s Welcome Appearance On Balcony For Trooping The Colour Flypast

By Lucy Caulkett-

The  Queen has appeared  on the balcony  for Trooping the colour Flypast for the once in a lifetime jubilee event will see members of the monarchy, celebrities from the UK and across the globe, and people from all parts of the UK gather to recognise the Queen’s legacy.

The Royal family left Buckingham Palace on Thursday morning in separate carriages for the Trooping the Colour ceremony.

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Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, was riding alongside the Duchess of Cambridge and all three of her children, George, Charlotte and Louis in the first carriage.

It is the first time that Prince William and Kate’s children have been spotted taking part in their first carriage procession. They were followed by the Earl and Countess of Wessex with their son James, Viscount Severn, and finally the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester and Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence in the third carriage.

Watching the military flypast from a Buckingham Palace balcony, the Queen wore blue and white, two of the three colours of the union flag. At the Royal Windsor horse show last month, she had dressed for comfort in a woollen shawl in place of a coat, but here she was in her customary crisp, no-nonsense, boxy tailoring.

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The Duke of Cambridge  reportedly rode on Derby in his Irish Guards uniform and Anne on a horse named Sir John in her Colonel of the Blues and Royals uniform as part of the Trooping the Colour parade..

The once in a lifetime event saw members of the monarchy, celebrities from the UK and across the globe, and people from all parts of the UK gather to recognise the Queen’s legacy.

The Prince of Wales deputising for the Queen was one of the interesting features  of the event. He took the salute and inspecting the troops as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex join the Duchess of Cambridge and other royals to watch the spectacle.

After the ceremony, the Queen acknowledged the salute of the returning Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment from Buckingham Palace’s balcony before joining other working royals on the balcony to watch the traditional fly-past of aircraft.

Over 3,000 beacons will be set ablaze across the UK and the Commonwealth in tribute to the Queen, who will lead the lighting of the principal Jubilee beacon in a special ceremony at Windsor Castle.

The New South Wales state parole authority has deemed that his risk of reoffending is below average.

She hoped her one-year-old son August would grow to have the Queen’s “patience, her calmness and her kindness while always being able to laugh at himself and keep a twinkle in his eye”.

Trooping the Colour will begin the festivities and see the Prince of Wales deputise for the Queen, taking the salute and inspecting the troops as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex join the Duchess of Cambridge and other royals to watch the spectacle.

The Queen is expected to  acknowledge the salute of the returning Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment from Buckingham Palace’s balcony before later joining working royals on the balcony to watch the traditional fly-past of aircraft.

The King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery, named by the monarch’s father King George VI, 75 years ago this year, will fire an 82-gun salute from Hyde Park beginning just before 1pm.

While 124 volleys will be fired from the Tower of London by the Honourable Artillery Company – an extra 42 for the City of London – from the stroke of one o’clock.

On Friday there will be no ceremonial journey to the service of thanksgiving at St Paul’s Cathedral for the Queen who has mobility problems, and the monarch, if she attends, will use a different entrance rather than scaling the steep steps.

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