Top NASA scientist: World Temperature is Hottest in Past 1,000 Years

Top NASA scientist: World Temperature is Hottest in Past 1,000 Years

By Ben Kerrigan-

A top NASA climatologist has warned that the earth’s average temperature is rising at a pace unprecedented in a 1,000 years.

And the warning states that this rising heat could put at stake the international effort to reduce global warming set out in the landmark 2015 Paris climate accord.

Gavin Schmidt, director of NASA Goddard Institute For Space studies told the Guardian “it’s unprecedented. “There is no period that has seen this trend in the 20th century “.

Scmidt stated that the average temperature around the world reached 1.38 c above levels observed in the 19th century, and was dangerously close to the 1.5c standard set out in the U.N brokered agreement in Paris.

The earth’s temperature  experienced throughout recent decades is higher than during any period in the past millennium, Scmidt noted.

The acclaimed climatologist also pointed out that 2016 set a record higher than a previously set world record in 2014, and stressed the importance and urgency for world leaders to address the problem.

He said that each month since October 2015, has set a new record, and there is “No pause or hiatus in the trend, adding that anybody who doubted his claim was viewing the world through rose tinted spectacles”.

Scmidt’s prediction spells doom for the next 100 years- a worrying state of affairs for the world as a whole.

Climate change has long been one of the world’s greatest challenges, requiring drastic reductions in carbon dioxide emissions and get engineering, and also the mobilisation of billions of dollars to help address the dangerous problems it poses.

Winters in cold countries have become significantly less cold in recent decades, and summers have become alot warmer too. The future looks bleak, if the experts words are anything to go by.

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