New Family Can’t Replace A mans Children from past relationships

New Family Can’t Replace A mans Children from past relationships

By Luck Caulkett

A man’s new family can’t replace his family.

Many men do not seem to understand this simple truth. Lost in the buzz if his new family relationship, some men think pleasing the new woman and her children at the expense of his own, is the way forward.

They forget that his natural children can neverbe replaced. In a selfishness thoughtless attempt to please his new spouse, the man brushes his natural children to the side.

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Birthday presents seize, no phone calls, or general loving every child needs. Men like this are not real men, what they are is nothing more than men with male organs.

A real man never abandons his biological children. They realise that no matter how much they despise the woman with whom he made a  human being, the child still deserves the love  and care of his father.

Try explaining this to the many reckless men who no longer pay attention to their natural children for fear of upsetting the new woman in his life. We can fairly say that any woman who makes a man feel he should distance hus children for a new family life is desperately evil.

Abandoned children often turn out to be a menace to society. Often does not mean always, it means often. The world is full of examples of children abandoned by their natural father, or in some cases, father and mother, and gone on to achieve great things.

Other such children become very jealous of more privileged children, as they begrudge the complete support they enjoy. They never announce the roots of their behavioural problems, but simply manifest it in their behaviour and attitude.

They become vulnerable to rebellious peer pressure from their friends, many of whom are from a similarly wounded background. There are children out there from homes where are father and mother are present, who give in to peer pressure too.

This is often because of their ignorance and lack of self esteem. An identity of confidence and contentment with their limited resources may be lacking, and they become an added source of negative pressure to children who have been abandoned.

A lifestyle of crime becomes an easy option for abandoned children as they battle the psychological illness of rejection. Many times, they take their insecurities and feelings of rejection to their relationships, making the lives of others miserable.

Next time you meet a man who toy know is abandoning his child, let him know he is contributing to making the world a worse place. He may be blissfully ignorant of the damage his neglect cam have known the lives of not just his rejected child, but also on the lives of others who may not have been as unfortunate as his child.

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