A Level Results Show Boys Beat Girls For First Time In 7 Years

A Level Results Show Boys Beat Girls For First Time In 7 Years


By Gavin Mackintosh-

A level students have rushed to find out what grades they got after two years of hard work.

Boys beat girls in the attainment of A grades and A star grades for the first time in 7 years, with a 26.6% of them gaining the top marks overall.

Girls gained 26.1% of the grades in a close race of competition with boys, who have been behind girls for years now.
In the bulk of subjects the proportion of A and A* grades awarded went up to 26.3%, a rise of half a percentage point compared with 2016.

The proportion of students who achieved a C grade or higher in English Literature, English Language, and English Language and Literature was almost 3 percentage lower than last year.


A levels are the highest level of education attainable before University, and tests students over a two year period after G.C.S.E’s. All students must have attained at least 4 C grades at G.C.S.E to be admitted to the Advanced level programme which compares with University at an intellectual level of verbal and written communication.


An A grade at G.C.S.E’s is generally believed to be equivalent to a C grade at A levels, making A grade students at G.C.S.E more adaptable to the jump in level required to get an A at A levels. C grade students at G.C.S.E’s, adjust to the transition from G.C.S.E to A levels with more difficulty than students with A and B’s at G.C.S.E.

With hardwork and determination, they can close the gap as they get deeper into the course, but they would usually be behind A grade G.C.S.E students with a strong appetite for continuous development.


A levels are very broad in its contents, stretching the students mind and stimulating his intellectual tools in a very examining way. A grades are only for the very best students . Those conscientious students with high IQ’s, who have been very attentive and consistent in their academics.

They often enjoy the subjects they have chosen, and have a discipline of reading outside the subject during some of their spare time. Students who have develop these strong qualities will be head and shoulders above the rest because they have implemented the wisdom of working diligently and systematically towards good results, and have the high intelligence to back it up.


Apart from them, there are those handful of ultra gifted students who almost magically soak up everything they learn during lectures. Most of such students already have familiarized themselves with the topic before the lectures, making their bright brain more open to digesting everything they hear.

Some particularly driven and gifted children go through one half of the course privately even before it begins. They are motivated by high peaks of vision and passion for their future, often inspired by a parent or family member.


The above conclusion is derived from research involving 3,000 students from Leeds University, Manchester University, Cambridge, and Oxford University through a survey conducted by the eye of media.com in the May 2017. It was aimed at discovering the characteristic patterns in the lives of most A- A star grade students. The research did not attach much weight to those students who claimed to have not revised at all but performed some magic on the exam day

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