Leeds Doormen Fighting Dictatorship Ban

Leeds Doormen Fighting Dictatorship Ban

By Gavin Mackintosh-

Leeds doormen of some clubs have expressed plans to avert a dictatorship ban practiced by doormen nationwide.

The eye of media.com launched a campaign early this year to stop the practice of dictatorship widespread in most clubs in the UK.

A vast majority of clubs and security companies in the UK currently practise a discriminatory rule that permits them to refuse people entry to their premises or eject them without giving a reason.

The eye of media.com has contacted four of those clubs in Leeds along with a total  of nine other clubs in London and Birmingham , informing them of the illegality of the widely practised dictatorship policy.

There are several more clubs  to write to. The managerial authorities of all the clubs have accepted that the practise is fundamentally flawed and wrong and agreed to stop it.

Two West London clubs are still studying our report in detail.


Mp’ s in Leeds , Birmingham, and London have also been written to about our new and necessary initiative to stamp out this unlawful practise that allows doormen to abuse their power.

However, a couple of grudging Leeds doormen have told the eye of media.com that the policy ban can be got around.

Speaking on the condition of anonymity, a doorman told the eye of media.com ” it’s all good us changing our practise and being forced  to give reasons.”


“But bouncers can always say that a person is drunk and stop them coming in that way. We can also say ‘Leeds Watch ‘ has radioed in to identify a person that shouldn’t be let in. There are ways round it”.

However, the eye of media.com will find a way round that planned obstacle.


The latest information will be fed back to our team and editorial to address in order to ensure bullish doormen do not evade the right practise . Doormen, like all organisations, are expected to behave honorably and in accordance to the law, not behaving deceptively in an immoral effort to conceal wrong and illegal conduct.


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