Kurt Cochran’s 25th Anniversary Murder

Kurt Cochran’s 25th Anniversary Murder

By Sammie Jones-

The murder of American Kurt Cochran by evil terrorist Khalid Masood is a very sad tale of how unpredictable life can be.

The American was in London to celebrate the 25th anniversary of his marriage to his wife, Melissa Cochran. His wife who was seriously injured in the attack must be absolutely heartbroken after this terrible murder.

Cochran escaped all the potentially violent and murderous attacks that occur in America every day only to die in London because of a twisted killer. It is so sad and heartbreaking for anyone to die this way, and has completely messed up their holiday.

American President, Donald Trump sent a tweet of condolence saying Cochran was a great American. Life is so strange sometimes when one thinks of the random danger that can befall a person anytime and anywhere in the world.

The horrendous killings of all four people and the several others injured is a reminder of the dangerous times we live in this modern day of global terrorism. It is also a reminder of the need for us as human beings to cherish each and every day, showing compassion and love to our fellow humans

The French children also injured in the terrorist attack have had their childhood ruined by it. It is a scar that willing stay with them forever. As the whole country unites in solidarity against terrorism, our prayers are with the bereaved families of the dead, whose lives have no doubt been changed forever because of this evil act.

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