Escorts And Clients Should Not Be In Relationships

Escorts And Clients Should Not Be In Relationships

By Sammie Jones-

Escorts and their clients should never share a relationship.

It makes no sense! Escorts or prostitutes earn their living through the quick fix of sex for money, there is no love or commitment involved in that deal. It is a selfish deal for two selfish parties with a mutual agreement. The client can’t expect the escort to trust him to be exclusive even if he promises this. Certainly not after they met under the sexually manipulative terms of sex for money.

It also is the most ridiculous idea for a man to think that a woman who is used to having many different men go through her, suddenly commit  exclusively to him indefinitely because of his money. Money makes people do stupid things and think stupid thoughts too. The idea of a man entering into a long term relationship with a woman he has engaged in a relationship as a prostitute or an escort is incredibly ridiculous, even if stranger things have occurred before.

Escorts Are Not Girlfriend’s

However crazy or ridiculous an idea, it has happened before. This does not make it any less stupid an idea when the probability of a disaster down the road is easy to predict from the known facts of the matter. When a woman as an escort is in a relationship because of money, she knows in her heart her true purpose. She sees it as a relationship of convenience and money making, and the man knows too that he is paying for  sexual access to the woman when he wants. If the man has half a brain, he should figure out the fact that at some point this woman would want  a genuine relationship with somebody she is interested in. An escort is an escort, not a girlfriend.  If you try to force her to be a girlfriend, her energies will escort you back to square one or escort you to jail if you eventually hurt her.
Female gold diggers often want to feel in control by knowing they hold the secret to their goals in a relationship. When the deal is clearly on the table, they lose their control over the relationship and can call for outs anytime. The job of an escort or prostitute is always going to be one full of risks. They go into this being aware of the theoretical  risks, but the precise nature of the risks that could occur is rarely properly considered by the women for whom a quick scheme of making money is priority in their mental frame.  If any of the women killed because of their job as an escort or prostitute saw their murder coming, they would have gone a different route.
Men who pay for sex with escorts are often desperate men, and a desperate man is capable of anything. Obvious and plain to see, the desperate drive for money sometimes blinds individuals and leads them up a destructive path that can make everything they have worked or hoped for go to waste very quickly.
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