Covid-19:Bradford’s Richard Gunn Sports Centre Scheduled To Become Mortuary

Covid-19:Bradford’s Richard Gunn Sports Centre Scheduled To Become Mortuary

Charlotte Webster

Plans to convert Bradford’s Richard Dunn Sports Centre into a temporary mortuary should the current Coronavirus crisis escalate is underway

Bradford Council  is  strongly considering the leisure centre at Odsal, which was closed in November, as a possible mortuary “to cover all eventualities in the current medical emergency.”

It follows news that a number of other Councils are putting emergency plans in place to use sports facilities as mortuaries should the number of deaths overwhelm the current bereavement services. The Richard Dunn Centre is normally frequented by  youths, families, and holiday makers.

A spokesman for Bradford Council told the Eye Of Media.Com: “All Local Authorities across the country are having to make arrangements for temporary mortuaries as a precaution, to cover all eventualities in the current medical emergency.

“It would be irresponsible for Bradford Council not to.

“Bradford Council’s emergency planning team are making arrangements at the former Richard Dunn Sports Centre for a Bradford District facility.

“Lots of community centres and business locations all over the district are being used by the council, its partners and volunteers to support the effort in this national crisis.

“We are grateful that people are opening up their doors to help the people of the district in this, our time of need.”

Councillor David Warburton (Lab, Wyke) said: “It is an unfortunate position we find ourselves in, but this is an available site for the Council.

“This will be a last resort if needed. The Council is putting itself in the position where it has a backup, and that space is available if really needed.

“I was informed earlier today that this was the situation. I’d like to reassure people that if they do see people working on the site then this is what they”ll be working on.”Last month the government suggested authorities in areas with high populations should plan for “the reasonable worst-case scenario”, which could lead to existing morgues being overwhelmed.

Leeds Council recently announced that it had received emergency permission to build a temporary mortuary facility to help cope with the expected increase in deaths due to Covid-19.


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