Confidence In Police At All Time Low

Confidence In Police At All Time Low

By. Ben Kerrigan
Confidence in the integrity of  the British police is at an all time low following recent scamdals that have embarrassed the police force.
Charges of racism, misconduct, and now the fact police spied on an animal rights group by forming  with several  women for years,  has battered the reputation of the police.
Add to that the fact that officers and ex officers have been caught dealing drugs or trying to deal drugs, sexjally harassing or in some cases, assaulting female colleagues,  and the knife of shame goes deeper .
The metropolitan police have had to pay out thousands to very angry women who were lured into relationships under false pretences , leaving them hurt and feeling used.
.Many of the women have already been compensated  financially, but that cannot compensate for the pain and memories if the deceit shown by members of an organisation that should be one of the mist reliable and trustworthy worthy.
The fact that other officers have often colluded with their  offending colleagues by actively encouragjng their act or ignoring it , is a disgrace. This is the same police force recently accused of hacking the accounts of journalists and politicians , then destroying the evidence despite being told to preserve them.
The police have alot of soul searching to do internally. There is a desperate need for them to weed out the monsters among them. The selection process of officers needs to be more rigorous ; the police themselves are probably the best people to sniff out the wolves amount get them to avoid being tarnished with the same brush.
Police officers should be the most respected in society , criminal and wrong conduct should never be found in their midst.
The majority of police officers are upright and law abiding, especially female officers. However, there are plenty of wolves there that make it difficult to tell who the honourable officers are. Members of the public on social media forums and social groups have long been very critical and mocking of the police , because of their many publicised failings and misconduct.
It ruins it for the good officers , who operate with dignity and strictly in accordance with the law. They must take it upon themselves to identify and eliminate the poison in their midst.

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