Chelsea Davy Suffered Emotional Stress When Flack Was Dating Harry

Chelsea Davy Suffered Emotional Stress When Flack Was Dating Harry

By Lucy Caulkett

Chelsea Davy,  was caused emotional stress when  Caroline Flack was dating Prince Harry,  a former university friend of the business woman has told The Eye Of Media.Com .

Caroline Flack was matched with Prince Harry by mutual friend  Caroline Pinkham and began seeing the third in line to the throne after his relationship with South African Chelsea Davy broke apart early in 2009. Davy, who was studying a second degree in Law at Leeds University was apparently upset by the break up, and became even more emotionally stressed when Caroline Flack began dating Prince Harry.

The source who insisted on anonymity said :

”As you can imagine if you are dating anybody, let a lone a prince and it goes sour, it will be a bit of a bother if you are aware someone else is now dating them. It could play on your insecurities, make you feel not good enough, especially when the new partner is somewhat high profile. Ofcourse, life goes on and Chelsea was a pleasant girl who was bright and outgoing, but it took a toll on her mind especially having to read in the media about  someone else dating your man meant to be your lover”. Ms Davy was eventually photographed with property developer Dan Philipson .

”Chelsea thought Dan was cool, but her heart was with Harry, you know, they had a special bond, so it would have been painful seeing that kind of evaporate . Reading the media freely discuss your relationship gone cold and talk of a new partner can’t be easy for anybody, let alone a young girl. She went through a bit of a tough time”. The television reality star was eventually forced to end her relationship with Prince Harry due to the pressure of media attention, but it was later said that Prince Harry’s feelings for Chelsea Davy began to return.

Flack had heard rumours that Prince Harry was re-igniting his relationship with the then law student Ms Davy who was studying at Leeds University in 2009.  Caroline was said to have been unable  to control herself after reading The Sun’s coverage of their break-up while boozing in North London.

“She had been watching her friend play a gig at a pub,  dancing , and knocking back several glasses of red wine with pals when she picked up a copy of The Sun, and started reading aloud the coverage about her and Harry splitting up.  The Sun at the time reported that the former Gladiators host made condescending  remarks about Davy in a north London pub. The paper reported a source as stating:

“Caroline was clearly upset and ranted to pals: ‘Chelsy Davy is a f**king irritating t**t. In the flesh she is not even that pretty. “Caroline was livid. Her girlfriends were consoling her, telling her things would get better in time. Caroline Flack had a brief relationship with Prince Harry in 2009 when the prince was split with his South African girlfriend, Chelsea Davy.

It followed the breakdown of the prince’s long-term relationship with Chelsy Davy at the beginning of the year after Miss Flack split with musician Dave Danger in February.  ”Those comments were very offensive and insulting to Chelsea, the South African born Socialite’s former University friend said:

”it made her very upset. Caroline Flack has tragically died and may her soul rest in peace, and her death must cause all sorts of mixed feelings for Chelsea.

Chelsea is an attractive girl in her own right and did not deserve to be demeaned like that by Caroline, especially as it ended up in the papers. Chelsea eventually graduated from Leeds University but apparently did not attend her own graduation ceremony. She later took up a job as a trainee solicitor at Alan and Overy which she eventually substituted for having her own business.

Chelsea Davy reportedly ended her relationship with Prince Harry to avoid the glare of media attention that would have accompanied an ongoing relationship. The pair are believed to be good friends.


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