Bill Clinton Should Quit The Blame Game On Hillary

Bill Clinton Should Quit The Blame Game On Hillary

By Gabriel Princewill-

Bill Clinton should Quit The Blame, it is not healthy for him and his wife.

Former president, Bill Clinton, was reportedly involved in a screaming match with his wife, Hillary Clinton, over her shock defeat to President-elect, Donald Trump, according to several media sources.

Bill Clinton has attributed the defeat if his wife, Hillary Clinton to her ignoring his advice to use the economy as the centerpiece of her campaign, instead, taking the advice of her campaign advisers. Bill Clinton went into an angry rage, claiming  that had Hilary Clinton  focused her campaign around the economy,  this would have resonated more with voters.
 Angry Bill says was so mad, he threw his mobile phone over the roof – top towards the ocean. The eloquent former leader is insistent Hillary Clinton spent too much time highlighting the defects about Donald Trump, inadvertently entertaining the media instead of key election issues.
America’s most polarized election in history became a circus of allegations and counter-allegations, as the two high aspirants for the White House constantly discredited each other’s suitability for Washington’s premiere post, that after a while many voters began to view their voting option as being between the better of two undesirable candidates.
The retrospectively unreliable polls distinctly favored Clinton for a while, with the difference between the pair becoming marginal, as election day drew closer. Donald Trump’s strident campaign in which he continuously attacked her credibility, eventually yielded a shocking triumph few predicted. The president-elect came up trumps against all the odds, pulling off the greatest political upset ever.

 Bill Clinton Mistaken

Bill Clinton is mistaken in his view that a different approached would have sealed the deal. Indeed, discussing the economy may have added some punch to her campaign, but the real downfall of Clinton’s valiant campaign was the controversy surrounding her private email server, re-enforced by the re-emergence of the sore topic by the FBI following the investigation of her aid for sexting a 15-year-old girl. Donald Trump called it ”bigger than Watergate”, as he pro-actively sought to heighten the tarnish on her reputation.
 If this wasn’t the last straw on the camel’s back, it may be because the camel’s back may have been broken before that unbeknown to the collective public knowledge. Bill Clinton must accept that extraneous forces in this hotly contested elections decided the outcome. It’s a bitter pill, but he should humbly swallow it.
The White house is the most coveted job in American politics, and as such is intensely adversarial with no guarantees of success. All the facts and events that transpire during an election campaign is  an inescapable part of such an inevitably acrimonious contest. It is futile to dwell on a hypothetical scenario.
Hillary Clinton must now be afforded the opportunity to overcome the disappointment of the elections  and continue life. Bill Clinton should consider the possibility that even the allegations made against him during the campaign could have contributed to the relative plummeting of his wife’s campaign.
Afterall, Bill Clinton openly criticised Obama care after Obama had been vigorously campaigning for his wife, was not exactly wise. Especially as he later found himself retracting it. This palpable internal disunity was in marked contrast to the unity displayed between Donald Trump and his wife, Melanie, who were in one accord in the face of all the adversity they themselves had to face.

Bill Clinton Must Move On

Bill Clinton and his wife should both move on from the election outcome because it is now over. duties, actions,and consequences. It could have happened, it may have turned out good or otherwise, but it did not happen. They need to unite moving forward, and Hillary Clinton’s should be given all the moral support possible to enable her to make a psychological recuperation to the bitter blow of her defeat. It is not the end of the world, and Clinton still has something to offer society.
The focus of the world is now on how Donald Trump’s administration will play out, and whether it will turn out positive or negative. Trump has many contentious issues to deal with and prepare for, his administration promises to be an engaging spectacle, as the property billionaire mogul brings an unorthodox approach to his leadership approach.
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