By Sammie Jones-

A millionaire has been sentenced to life in prison for murdering a woman he loved.

his £10,000-a-month personal escort after hearing she planned to leave him.

54 year old Peter Morgan, was sentenced to 25 years for the murder of Georgina Symonds, 25, in January. He denied murder on the grounds of diminished responsibility. The rich property guru worth an estimated £20m said Symonds tried to blackmail him wuth threats he would send explicit pictures of him to his family.

Morgans had begun seeing escorts as part of a midlife crisis but decided to hire Ms Symonds on a permanent basis for £10,000 a month. He accomodated her in one of the bungalows he owned and installed a listening device in the house which he disguised as a plug.

One day, he heard her expressing her dodgy plans to leave him once he signs up the property to her.

Her conversation was to her lover, and the detailed plans she had tipped Morgan over the edge, causing him to plot her death. Morgan stranguled her in a rage but was caught when cops traced her mobile phone to his Porsche in Mamonthshire. He was clearly too stupid to discard the phone, having commited an atrocious crime.

Men like Morgan are desperate fools who failm to realise that a woman’s love cannot be bought indefinitely with money. If there is no love there, at some point she would run. Morgan was too drunk in lust to see the stupidity of his arrangements.

In the end , Ms Symmonds paid a fatal price for her devious plans to fleece Morgan of his money. Its what a lot of women in her shoes would have done or considered, but there are many women who would have just walked out whilst they were ahead and not attempt to squeeze a good chunk of his wealth from him.

Had he not installed the device and heard her plans, he could have still killed her on a later day after he had signed over the house and realised her plans.

Morgan’s defence barrister, Patrick Harrington QC, told the judge his client suffered from a mental disorder and had been provoked by prolonged stress, in a submission intended to mitigate the seriousnessof the offence.

He acknowledged Morgan was provoked, saying the abuse he suffered was “vicious, persistent and extreme” and the threat of blackmail by Miss Symonds was “gross and appalling and an abuse of trust,” but that still cannot warrant a murder.

Morgan at the point of his discovery shouyld have kicked Symonds out of his life and ended the relationship right there. But he was overwhelmed with jealousy and anger and took her life and freedom to aspire to be a use rof others and her own body. Now, he will lose his freedom to enjoy his millions for the rest of his life.

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