World outrage about a Brazil teenage gang rape circulated on youtube by one of the perpetrators continues, as Rio de Janeiro police swarmed two slums on Sunday in search of suspects.

The 16-year-old Brazilian girl  said more than 30 men assaulted her, in a case that has shocked the nation set to host the Olympics in August.

More than 70 officers used helicopters, armoured vehicles and dogs to enter the slums, but there was no word if any suspects had been captured in the operation.

Five people have been brought in for questioning, but no charges for the brutal rape have not been brought. The gang rape believed to have occurred over a week ago, on May 21,  was only made public a couple of days ago, enraging much of Brazil.  There are not yet any confirmations about how many men took part in the rape. Men and women marched in several cities to demand justice and decry sexism in Brazilian culture. A woman who works in the Supreme Court  has heaped blame on a pervasive macho culture in Brazil that permits such barbaric acts.

“Each and every woman is a victim,” Justice Carmen Lucia said in a written statement. “Our bodies are tormented, our souls are trashed. That is what these criminals think and do, and they must quickly be held accountable.” Surely, no culture endorses this kind of behavior but Lucia is probably referring to a culture in which women are subordinated by men in general, something that needs to be addressed.

And the replacement of the cabinet with an all male cabinet following the impeachment of Rouseff, now seems to underlie the level of sexism and discrimination in the country . The perpetrators of the horrible crime seemed comfortable to show their faces on your tube, with one shamelessly boasting that over 30 men have impregnated her. The youtube account has since been suspended whilst police seek out the evil perpetrators of tis crime. It is taking a while to find them, considering how widely publicized this degrading and shocking offense is. Surely, they must have the equivalence of crime watch in their country. The cry against subordination of women in Brazil is something that must be fought hard, and the international community have a role to play here. This culture of dehumanizing women needs to be fought continuously. The circulated youtube video depicting this gang rape is a terrible disgrace on Brazil.


The rape adds raises mounting concerns about security in Rio, especially with the political breakdown in Brazil as the city and country prepare for South America’s first Olympics this August. Women will be travelling from all over the world to support friends and family members taking part in the Olympics, and will fear the possibility of being subjected to a sexual ordeal of any sort before their return home. Unemployment and inflation is high, the political structure is still in a transitory period, and now there is this alarming issue of sexual assaults allegedly indicative of a culture that looks down on women. Is there not a real case for changing the venue of the Olympics? The zika virus is still a threat to be controlled, and presents an unpredictable risk of ruining the Olympics for many of those in attendance. Crime is reportedly down,  but  an increase in homicides in recent months suggests there is still plenty to worry about going into these Olympics.  Rio’s police department had its budget slashed amid an economic downturn, bad news for a country full of weirdos who think foolishly think they are superior to women and where homocides have been on the rise in recent months.

The country’s elected President Dilma Rousseff has been suspended for allegedly breaking budget laws,  with her impeachment trial in the Senate scheduled to take place during the Games, therefore in full glare of the world’s media. Brazil’s worst economic crisis for nearly  a hundred years has compounded the political chaos. World outrage about this Brazil teenage rape won’t be quickly forgotten.


In an interview with Rio’s O Globo newspaper, the alleged victim said she wants to see justice done so that no other person would have to go through a brutal assault like what she suffered.

“Today I feel like a piece of trash,” she told the newspaper. “I hope that no other person ever feels this way”. She expressed a desire for one of the investigators to be removed from the investigation, expressing anger that he asked her if she had been involved in party orgies. The question must have been upsetting, but it can be seen as part of the investigation. It all depends if investigators are trying to find out whether she had given the boys a reason to believe she was one for mass orgies. Some girls degrade themselves by participating in undignified sex with more than one or even two parties at the same time, giving stupid male groups reason to think they can compel girls like that to extend the scope of her sexual activity. A thorough investigation is therefore paramount to discover first how the girl came to be in the midst of over 30 men, how many of them she knew before hand, and what sort of girl she is. None of these lines of inquiry can ever justify the evil act of the men which deserve lengthy jail sentences, also for their brazen stupidity and inhumane tendencies in going as far as degrading this girl on you tube



. World outrage about this Brazil teenage rape will probably have a lasting effect on the Olympic games itself.

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