Women Who Beg For Sex Can Still Be Raped

Women Who Beg For Sex Can Still Be Raped

By Lucy Caulkett-

Women who beg for sex or consent to sex can still be victims of rape.

The collapsed case of Liam Allan last week occurred because police failed to disclose evidence that she had begged him for casual sex.
A review of up to 30 cases due to that collapse and a recent late disclosure in another case highlights the need for police to do their job diligently.

Rape cases in particular need very close attention and careful scrutiny., with officers looking at the evidence very carefully.

However, just because a woman begs for casual sex or consents for sex doesn’t mean she can’t be raped down the line. As the old saying goes, no means no, and any man who thinks he has the license to force a woman into sex because of previous sex encounters is a delusional rapist. Rape victims must always be honest when reporting the entire circumstances of their ordeal and not try to hide facts. Hiding facts can affect the general perception the courts or the police have of the complainant.

There is no suggestion Liam Allan was actually guilty of raping his accuser. The fact both she and the police never revealed the history of her relationship with Allan made her look a liar and blew the prosecution case over. The law of England has for a while held the position that a man can rape his wife, and this shows that even women who shamelessly pursue a man for sex can become victims of rape if that man suddenly believes he has a blanket right to sleep with her whenever he wants. Women who beg or push for sex with a man they fancy have no shame. They don’t respect their bodies or themselves for that matter. They yield to their sexual urges or infatuation for a man, giving that man a psychological upper hand to disrespect her. But it gives no man the right to force himself on her.

Many men have forced themselves on their girlfriends or former girlfriends, and many victims live with it instead of reporting it. Those who report it deserve a well conducted investigation which should not overlook the very possibility that a girl or woman who consents to sex on some occassions is not necessarily always consenting. It is a man’s duty to ensure that the woman in his bed or environment is consenting to sex each time. A woman has the right at any moment before a during a sexual encounter to say NO, and the man is obligated to respect that voice immediately!

The current review of rape cases sparked by police failings to disclose all the evidence is necessary. Holding evidence back is unethical and immoral if done intentionally, it is even worse for the police not to notice vital details surrounding a rape claim. Rape cases where there are no witnesses will not always be easy to solve, but careful cross examination of both the complainant and the defendant would usually reveal the truth to the courts. I read with some concern the way one of our writers completely wrote in vindicating terms of Mr.Allan whose rape case was dramatically dropped last week, whilst vilifying the alleged rape victim. His perspective on the case was normal and not unreasonable, but I’m afraid also didn’t tell the whole story.

”The woman deserved to be embarrassed”, he told me later that day. Embarrassed for not telling the whole story, but her primary shame was the fact she begged for casual sex. If she actually lied about the rape, then that would be her main shame.

Women have needs just like men, but those who lack dignity in the way they express those needs leave themselves open to shame and manipulation. The cases to be reviewed must bear in mind that consent to sex doesn’t always equate dishonesty when a woman cries rape. Every detail must be carefully analysed to do justice to both parties.