Wikileaks Should Limit Size Of Clinton E mail leaks

Wikileaks Should Limit Size Of Clinton E mail leaks

By Lucy Caulkett-

Wikileaks should limit the quantity of the Hillary Clinton email leaks, to prevent excessive and unnecessary tension.

Julain Assange– the man in charge of Wikileaks- says the activity he engages in has no record of bringing anybody to harm. He says history shows this, and the American government have confirmed that nobody has come to harm as a result of leaks.

Even if harm has not befallen anybody as a result of julian Assange’s leaks, evil must have befallen some other people because of leaks. The leaks are wide ranging, very intimate, and top secret, likely to cause some serious problems elsewhere. Whether it can lead to loss of life is ”an empirical question”, ‘ a question of fact”,julian Assange philosophically states.



Julian Assange

Revealing or exposing factual details about any individual or organisation is a right that comes with freedom of expression. However, when so much details are being exposed that it begins it begins to represent a crusade against one party, it becomes malicious. And acts done out of malice in extremity, compromise the legitimacy of claims to have the priority of truth known.

Julian Assange’s Wikileaks may indeed highlight a lot of useful information about the Clinton engagements during her time as Secretary of state. It may also give us some insight into her circle and practices. However, the U.S elections should be decided on competence, ability, and integrity. Integrity has been lost already to varying degrees, but Americans now have to elect the best candidate likely to do the best for the country.

 Both candidates have lost some credibility in this bitter campaign, however, it is not wrong to say that Wikileaks should have some boundaries. Is 50,000 not a bit too much secret information to leak? Surely everyone deserves some bit of privacy.


The Wikileaks attack appears to go too deep in its exposure of Clinton’s emails. Its aim is to expose her thoroughly and humiliate her, but that’s the disturbing thing. Every politician should have some right to keep some secrets as part of their right to privacy.

Wikileaks justifies his rights to leak top secret information on the right of people to know. This is true, but some limits please? It will be interesting to see how and if the leaks influence the outcome of the U.S elections. There are many who believe it may do just that, and make these elections the most spectacular ever. Trump may still have that Trump card to decide it. However, American polls have Clinton ahead, though polls are not always accurate.

Trump is already on record saying that the elections are being rigged right now.  Let’s hope he is wrong. America should be trusted to run a fair election. A rigged election should have evidence presented to proove this. Hillary has done better in general so far, but much will depend on how things may turn on some of  intimate details in the leaked emails and how they may be used in the third debate between Clinton and Trump.

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