Trump’s Order To Reform American Police And Achieve Accountability

Trump’s Order To Reform American Police And Achieve Accountability

By Aaron Miller-

U.S president, Donald Trump  today announced a reform of the American police in response to the brutal killing of George Floyd , as he described the “vast majority” of cops are “selfless and courageous public servants.

Flanked by nine officials by his side, some in law enforcement uniforms, Trump  said the signed executive order aimed at promoting accountability in law enforcement.

The order uses federal government grants to encourage police departments to meet certain standards for use of force, including banning chokeholds – except in cases where an officer is targeted by deadly force.

The order also establishes a database for tracking officers with multiple complaints of misconduct and gives incentives to police departments to involve mental health professionals and social workers in issues of addiction, homelessness and mental illness

Opposing the idea of  defunding the police, Trump added that “bad” cops only represent a “tiny” and “small percentage” of the force.

“I strongly oppose the radical efforts to defend, dismantle and dissolve our police departments, especially now when we’ve achieved the lowest recorded crime rates in american history,” Trump said.

Trump has condemned protesters across the nation who have called for police departments to be defunded and money instead to put into more community-based resources.

“Today is about pursuing common sense and fighting. Fighting for a cause that we seldom get the chance to fight for,” Trump said ahead of the executive order being unveiled.

“We have to find common ground,” he added.

Chokehold Ban
Trump’s reform order includes banning chokeholds – “except if an officer’s life is at risk.”

Trump’s order also includes requiring communicating information when officers have “credible abuses” so that cops with “significant issues” don’t move from one police department to another.

The order also gives federal funding to cops “when dealing with homeless individuals and those who have mental illness and substance abuse problems.”

“I am signing an executive order encouraging police departments nationwide to adopt the highest professional standards to serve their communities,” Trump said.

He added: “To all of the hurting families, I want you to know that all Americans mourn by your side. Your loved ones will not have died in vain.”

Mr Trump said he strongly opposed “the radical and dangerous efforts to…dismantle and dissolve our police departments”.

“Americans know the truth: Without police there is chaos, without law there is anarchy and without safety there is catastrophe,” he said.


Image: AP

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