Terrorist attack In Parsons Greens Did Not Achieve Its Goal

Terrorist attack In Parsons Greens Did Not Achieve Its Goal

By James Simons-

The terrorist attack in Parsons Green today hospitalised 22 people, leaving most with burns. Although the incident was a terrorist attack, it wasn’t very successful in its overall aims to cause massive casualty and fatalities.

The terrorist wanted to live and fled the scene as soon as they deposited the explosive device. A police hunt for the perpetrator is ongoing and the statio has long been evacuated. The British security services estimate that over 3,000 active terrorist cells exist in the Uk, but many are being closely monitored by our expert agents.

Thanks to the quality of the British intillegence services, terrorists in the Uk are having a hard time executing their plans of massacre on British soil. The remains of the device has been secured as prime minister, Therea May condemned the attack as ”cowardly”, intended to cause ”maximum damage”.

The  prime minister  said the Uk’s terrorist threat level should remains at ”severe”, but will be under review. An increased army presence was promised by the prime minister in response to the latest scare in which there was no loss of life.

Had the intention of the terrosist neem carried out, those in the immediate vicinity of the bomb wa shave died, and everyone in the carriage would have been permanently maimed, security correspondent Frank Gardener told the BBC. Passenger in the carriage were extremely fortunate to leave the carriage alive, or without life threatning injuries.

British transport and ondon underground passenegrs will be concerned about travelling on the unerground, but we will continue life as normal without fear.

Terrorists and would be terrorists will be wary of conducting another atatck, although there will always be extremist prepared to go out of their way to cause harvoc. Extremist won’t be prepared to strike any time soon, except they are suicide bombers ready to risk being caught or shot before they commit their atrocity.

Suicide bombers usually want to cause maximum damage to promote their cause, but security level will be extra highafter today’s incidence.

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