Potential  Inconclusive Landmark Report To Congress On Ufos Reported Expected Tomorrow

Potential Inconclusive Landmark Report To Congress On Ufos Reported Expected Tomorrow

By Aaron Miller-

A  potential landmark report to Congress on Ufos from the Pentagon and various intelligence agencies about sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) by military personnel is to be made tomorrow.

The  U.S government’s latest report on Ufod referred to as unidentified aerial phenomena is expected to be inconclusive.  It is expected to conclude that no classified American programs exist to explain the multiple sightings contained in numerous testimonies of the past few decades. Its inability to explain space aircraft with qualities ethat even the most expert of scientists can explain will only fuel theories of a cover up.

The Eye Of Media.Com can confirm that there are a number of diligent and intelligent scientists mainly in the U.S leaving no stones unturned in their pursuit of truth concerning Ufos, They include extremely passionate buds going through troves of expertise analysis about the mysterious phenomenon. Multiple documents have been sent to this publication for bright lawyers, philosophers, psychologists, and writers to thoroughly examine.

The report reportedly concludes that some of the UFOs are likely real objects whose nature cannot be assessed with any confidence. The Pentagon in recent years has released or confirmed the authenticity of video from naval aviators showing incredible aircraft speed and mobility transcending known aviation technologies. However, no definitive conclusions will be made in Friday’s conclusions.

UFOs display movements  are alien to any technology known to man, and move at a phenomenal speed much faster than any seen before. Their ability to appear and disappear has baffled scientists for decades, but researchers have closely these strange objects for years, observing all circumstances under which they have shown up.

Eliminating  UFOs from anything  human has been done by identifying behavior that cannot be reproduced by our most advanced equipment. We know our technological limits because any advance that goes well beyond them would have introduced major commercial or military benefits and would have been represented in the consumer market or on the battlefield.

The Defense Department officials are very keen to establish everything associated with Ufos, but remain uncertain about their origins or their purpose in interacting with humans  The report marks a turning point for the U.S. military after decades of deflecting, debunking and discrediting observations of unidentified flying objects and “flying saucers.”

“We take reports of incursions into our airspace – by any aircraft, identified or unidentified – very seriously, and investigate each one,” Pentagon spokesperson Sue Gough said.

Senior administration officials briefed on a classified version of the report, said officials found that the vast majority of more than 120 Ufo reports observed by personnel aboard U.S. Navy aircraft and warships – did not originate from any American military or other advanced government technology. They were unable to state where they originated from  without any solid evidence to support explanatory claims. Precisely where Ufos originate from, and the purpose of their visitations to this dimension is a major point of interest which the highly anticipated Ufo report is unlikely to answer.

While publicly dismissive of UFOs, the Air Force investigated and cataloged more than 12,000 sightings under its Project Blue Book program, categorizing 701 cases as “unidentified” before the project ended in 1969. The Air Force later said it found no indication of a national security threat or evidence of extraterrestrial craft.

A CIA advisory panel once concluded that UFO sightings posed a potential threat to national security, a conclusion thee U.S government would never want to make openly at the expense of the public trust. The problem it faces is a curious American public who want to know all there is to this phenomena of strange objects, including any potential threats to national security.

Ufos are known to have appeared before pilots shortly before a plane crash, and have also appeared around sites where the remains of the deceased from those doomed flights were.

Highly-publicized events like the Roswell, New Mexico balloon crash of 1947 and the numerous “Black Triangle” sightings in Illinois in the early 2000s captured public fascination, and also bred conspiracy theories that the government was covering up information about the encounters.

There has been lots of speculation  that the UAPs were actually part of a secret government program, covered up by officials so as to not reveal the nature of their advanced technology

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