Mps Welcome Approval Of Report Finding That Patterson Broke Lobbying Rules

Mps Welcome Approval Of Report Finding That Patterson Broke Lobbying Rules

By Ben Kerrigan-

MPs have at last approved a report that found a Conservative former cabinet minister broke lobbying rules.

After originally voting to spare Owen Paterson from suspension, the government and Tory backbenchers collectively supported the initial report that found him guilty, and abandoned the body that was to be set up to give their former colleague a right of appeal.

Patterson eventually resigned from his post in the face of growing pressure and discontent by pariamentarians across the board who saw the unprecedented move by Mps to undermine Katherine Stone, the Parliamentary Commission for standards, as corrupt and sleazy.

Today, Boris Johnson proposed a ban on Mps  who prioritise outside financial interests over their job representing constituents, adding that they should be investigated and “appropriately punished”, and that all MPs should be banned from acting as paid political lobbyists.

In a letter to the Commons Speaker on Tuesday, the prime minister said the MPs’ code of conduct should be updated so their work “continues to command the confidence of the public”,  adding that any elected legislator’s “primary role” should be “to serve their constituents”.

He said it was “a matter of regret”  that the suggestions made a year before he won the keys to Downing Street had not been implemented already, whilst lending his support for them being “adopted as a matter of urgency”.

The prime minister’s new position marks a welcome U turn for Johnson, who appeared to be strongly in favour of allowing lending his support for MPs to have second jobs.

Johnson has always been prepared to review his  political position- a sign of flexibility in his make up which though positive, can also be viewed as a  negative sign he can adopt any stance on any issue, whether right or wrong, provided he has enough support.

Chris Bryant, the chair of the standards committee, said he was pleased the decision had been taken that would “draw a line under the unfortunate events of recent weeks” and empowered the group to maintain a robust and effective standards system.

Effective standards system is important across all aspect of political life, if politician are to be respected, either as individuals, or members of a party.

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