Lord Kerr Sparks Fury By Calling Britons Bloody Stupid

Lord Kerr Sparks Fury By Calling Britons Bloody Stupid

By Ben Kerrigan-

A Europhile peer has sparked Fury by publicly stating that Britons are so bloody stupid.  Lord Kerr of Kinclhard openly claimed Britain needs intelligent migrants to come to the UK because “native” Britons are “so bloody stupid”.

Interestingly, Lord Kerr of Kinlochard is the peer responsible for writing Article 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon, the official legal instrument for any EU member to quit the convention.

The former Secretary General of the European Convention told an event on Thursday that the Leave campaign only won by “cleverly outsourcing xenophobia and racism” to the UKIP leader Nigel Farage.
The cross-bench peer blamed Brexit on David Cameron’s “disastrous” net migration plan to keep net migration restricted to 100,000 a year.Lord Kerr said: “There’s a much deeper argument to have – and that is about whether immigration is good for you or bad for you. In my view, immigration is the thing that keeps this country running.
“We native Brits are so bloody stupid that we need an injection of intelligent people, young people from outside who come in and wake us up from time to time.
“It’s completely true that the Leave campaign, by cleverly outsourcing the xenophobia and the racism to the Farage campaign, were able to salve their consciences it seems by pinning Cameron to the fact that we would only take back control when we left.
“But supposing we did stop all the immigration from the EU, we would not have met Mr Cameron’s target – he would have done a lot of damage to the country if he had met it, but it was in his power to meet it by stopping immigration from outside the EU. So the premise of the argument about immigration was false,”the Lord Peer stated.
Lord Kerr did not qualify what makes native Brits stupid, leaving his comment a value judgement without evidential backing, even if it were true. All truths must be proven, though there is an argument for saying there are large swathes of the British population who are stupid due to poor development and poor education in the case of many working class Brits.
Lord Kerr is a smart chap who has earned his dues, but he must recognise there are other smart guys who see things differently. Therefore, debate and continuous discussion is the only option for those passionate about EU political situation. Being derogatory only breeds contempt, it is not self-validating.
Brits who have developed normally with at least good secondary school education or further higher education, and who have good life exposure,  cannot be defined as stupid. They may see things from a different perspective since we can’t all share the same view about life, talk less of politics. Views about EU immigration are simply views, which can be seen in numerous ways. Much depends on the reasoning underlying those views and how they stand up in the face of different views.
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