Lack Of Full Transparency About True Covid deaths Is Counterproductive

Lack Of Full Transparency About True Covid deaths Is Counterproductive

By Ashley Young-

Lack  of transparency about the number of true covid-19 deaths is  counterproductive in many respects. affecting some of the public response to the vaccination drive in the Uk, The Eye Of Media.Com can reveal.

The response to vaccination and the booster in the Uk has been high, and it was today announced that 90% of people in the Uk have had the first vaccine.

Deaths caused by the virus changed the world we live in , calling for all preventative measures possible to avoid a recurrence.

One problem in the midst of the many deaths, has been the mistrust of  Covid death statistics  and their motives in relation to perceived exaggerated  deaths arising from Covid-19.

Complaints of misdiagnosis when it comes to Covid-19 have been numerous, and recent revelations that the number of Covid infections leading to hospitalizations are being faked, is creating a big stench among the public who are awake to some of the lies going on.

In the midst of what is meant to be a pandemic, is so much confusion and dishonesty, the boy who cried woolf comes to mind when the attention of the public is truly needed.

The real victims are those worried parents and vulnerable people who need people to be cautious, but must endure the reality that not enough people are due to the mistrust at least in the Uk.

The media has generally lost credibility with the public and large sections of the public have more faith on social media and online sites for news, even though fake news can in theory be anywhere.

Covid-19 has crippled many and also triggered many deaths, but ongoing research by this publication indicates continuous mistrust of Covid death numbers by the British public. That’s because many deaths where Covid-19 has appeared on the death certificates have actually mainly been caused by other illnesses, not Covid. Its a painful reality to admit

62% of the 3,000 (1,860)people surveyed by this publication expressed low confidence in the official data of Covid deaths since the beginning of the pandemic to now.

Of that figure, 29% (880) said they had been double vaccinated , despite their mistrust in Covid deaths.The other 71% said they would not take a vaccine based on a death toll they believed was untrue.

One of the respondents, 31 year old Sally Vickers, an accountant from Maida Vaile said: ” the number of Covid deaths has been manipulated throughout the pandemic, which makes it difficult to trust the anything that springs off the deaths, but one undeniable fact is that covid has been killing a lot of people, but nowhere as much as the statistics states.

I think it is still important to be vaccinated to stay as safe as possible, but the need for a booster, simply makes one wonder’.

Another respondent, Neil Simpson, 34, a builder from London said: ”I think it is shameful that wide suspicion about the real number of covid deaths has never been truly addressed by this government, even though the system for registering covid deaths was changed to 28 days after a patient tests positive for covid.

The fact the numbers were false initially is bad enough, but I am not even sure that just because a person died within 28 days of testing positive for covid meant they died of it. What if they were already dying of cancer before they tested positive for covid?

I have no plans to take the vaccine, and if it means not being able to travel anywhere or enter pubs, nightclubs or restaurants, so be it. My nightclub years should be behind me by now anyway.

It’s difficult to believe the government don’t know what they are doing, and how can you then trust the same government when they are ushing vaccines? They need to  first show honesty with the British public to be trusted”.

Keith Manson, 41, an IT manager from london said: ” I am currently undecided about taking the vaccine simply because of the cloud of suspicion hanging over the Nhs and the government over the accuracy of covid-19 deaths.

‘It surprises me that there have been so many complaints about covid being written on death certificates when something else was responsible for the deaths, and the government is aware of this. Yet, they have done nothing to hold anyone responsible for the distortion in statistics.

‘The vaccine is then accelerated faster than history suggests is efficient, and it is practically being forced on people in various professions, with plans to make life impossible for the many thousands of others who refuse it.

‘It may indeed have its protective benefits, but there is somethig shady about it all, which is not being discussed. When we hear about the need for a booster, it makes one ask how many more boosters will be necessary wehn the third booster wanes. I think it is mainly financially motivated’.

Lisa Hue, 36 from Surrey, said:  ”There has been much said in the news throughout the pandemic that the government understated the number of Covid deaths, but I think a lot of people actually believe the death rates were overstated.

”I am personally aware of people who were clearly dying of an illness and went to hospital for that illness, but had covid-19 put on their death certificates. There are rumuors that doctors were being paid to put covid on death certificates of patients who were not killed by Covid-19.

It has to be disgraceful that these known claims have never been openly investigated, and I must commend your organisation for taking on this investigation.

Honesty is what people want from the media, but a lot of people believe the general media themselves have an agenda to be in line with the government on certain areas, and challenge the government only on those areas that suit them.

I have chosen to be double vaccinated simply because I know the virus is real, and I still have my parents alive to think about. One of them has an underlying condition, the other does not. I also have children, so cannot afford to take a risk not to be vaccinated”.

Amanda Reynolds, 43, who insisted on not disclosing the aprt of Uk she is from said: ”I have had ine dose of the vaccine, but am increasingly sceptical of taking another dose.

‘I think the government have told too many lies about this pandemic and have not been forthcoming about faked covid deaths.

‘The discrepancies have been alarming. We had Patrick Vallance once say that there was a high percentage of double vaccinated people were  in hopitals, then change his mind the same day to say it was the other way round, and that theere were motre unvaccinated people in hospital.

‘What embarassing untruth, after he thoroughly explained the reason there were more unvaccinated people in hospital.

It is shocking that people like him could get away with such lies, and I hope you print exactly what I am saying. It stinks when you can’t trust the professionals supposed to be runing he country, or the emdia which is suppose to accurately inform its people.

It’s a great thing your media organisation are trying to give the public genuine information, and I hope you don’t get corrupted along the line”.

Distorted Statistics

Many of those stated to have died from the virus during the height of the pandemic , in fact died of other causes , leading the Uk government last year to revise the time scale for officially registering deaths arising from Covid-19 to 28 days.

The government at the time said you could  have  got knocked  over by a car and and still  have been said to have  died from Covid-19.

Westminster Mps  revised the the Nhs  to allow only deaths of people within 28 days of testing positive for Covid-19 to  be registered  on  their death certificate  as  being caused by the virus.

The reasons for the exaggeration of covid deaths has never been established, though critics say it the inflated numbers  were corrupted by dodgy medical officials.

Some Nhs officials have said it was due to confusion during a busy time in which medics were overwhelmed.

The Office Of National Statistics told The Eye Of Media.Com that its official  figures were based on the professional expertise of the medical profession, which which recorded deaths  with covid that included covid-19 related complications.

Absence Of An Investigation

The absence of an investigation on why Covid-19 deaths were wrongly stated on a number of death certificates has caused alarm among some professional analysts carefully evaluating the handling and recording og Covid-19 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic.

Analyst Amber Smart said: ”It has to be a matter of concern that there have been no sackings or fines against those responsible for.lies in relation to covid deaths which contributing to an air of suspicion among many reaponsible professionals about the vaccine.

‘In a time as serious as a pandemic, the last thing the public needs is conflicting information about covid-19 deaths, when the Nhs and the media should be trusted to establish accurate figures to keep the public informed.

It is a shame there is minimal trust in official statistics, and worth stating that seperate ongoing research suggestsa growing number of people in the British public being turned away from mainstream media, simply because they do not trust the veracity of what they read or hear from the media’.

Most people are aware that the vaccine has.minimal harm in terms of side effects , though there are a small fraction of people who have died from it or suffered a bad reaction.

Lies told can exaggerate the reason behind the lies, keeping the truth in the dark from.many as others see through them.

106m doses of the vaccine has so far been administered in the Uk, with 45.8m fully vaccinated, according to statistcs from Our World In Data.

In England, 68.6 % of the population have been vaccinated with 89m does given, and 38.4 m fully vaccinated.

In Scotland, 71.8m have been double vaccinated , with 3.92 of the 9.2m people given doses of the vaccine.

A higher percentage of 71.65 have been vaccinated, with 2.25m fully vaccinated from the 5.2m doses  of the vaccine administered.

And in Northern Ireland, 66.2% of the population have been fully vaccinated, with 1,25m peole fully vaccinated from the 2.72m doses administered.

The data shows that overall, more people in every region of the Uk have been either vaccinated or fully vaccinated than those who have not been vaccinated.











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