How Remote Learning kept Thousands Of Chicago Students Academically Progressive

How Remote Learning kept Thousands Of Chicago Students Academically Progressive

By Easton Martinez-

Remote learning proved useful to thousands of  students  in Chicago public schools and Los Angeles during the pandemic, as many pupils turned a living room or bedroom into a makeshift classroom.

Chicago schools oversees 642 schools, including 477 elementary schools and 165 high schools. The district serves over 355,000 students. Chicago public schools are a mixture of selective schools and schools comprising of students resident in the location of a school. They are made up of predominantly African American and Latinos, who work hard and generally co-operate with the authority and guidance of teachers.

Chicago has a high crime rate, and many parents were concerned that aimlessness among youths during school closures could corrupt innocent children, or potentially put them at increased risk of danger.

In 2016, Chicago was responsible for nearly half of the U.S homicide rates , and has historically been one of America’s most violent cities. Crime rates have gone down in recent years following a strategic drive to address its roots through a more disciplined and passionate education system/

Throughout school closures, many of Chicago Public School students committed themselves to hard work under the guidance of the supervision of dedicated teachers and parents.

The adjustments to remote learning using the living rooms of students led to inconvenience for many  families who had to give up home privacy for their children to pursue lessons through technology. The system has been praised for its success in improving and maintaining high standard learning during the pandemic.

Those concerns were addressed through the effective e-learning tool used by Chicago Public Schools to keep students focused and hardworking.  It essentially gave teachers access to tens of thousands of students’ computer cameras and microphones, allowing them to look into their homes without their permission or knowledge — before the problem was fixed late last month.

Go Guardian

The technology tool “GoGuardian” was used to help teachers keep students on track during lessons by granting educators remote access to a limited set of functions on a student’s computer.

The technology allows teachers the ability to see what students have open on their computer screens, as well as the power to open websites on a student’s laptop, switch tabs, block sites and view browsing histories. Go Guardian’s flexible filtering solution also  makes it easy to manage all of your users, regardless of device type, operating system, or browser, including BYOD and guest network devices.


Many parents and teachers found the process beneficial in ensuring students were  actively involved in learning during what would normally be school hours. Teachers were able to remotely begin a Google Meet video session with a student, leading to a meeting preview automatically popping up on the student’s Chromebook.

The system was so effective that a teacher viewing a student’s screen using GoGuardian could watch a live video preview even before the student had agreed to start the meeting, or knew it was taking place.

The commitment of many students attending Chicago Public Schools show how far hard work and dedication goes in making a difference to what people achieve

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