The Final Countdown In Americas Most Eventful Elections

The Final Countdown In Americas Most Eventful Elections

By Aaron Miller-

The final countdown for these eventful elections might be the deciding factor, if the elections

have not already been decided by votes cast. It is impossible to definitely tell how these elections will finish. It will have been the most historic elections in America.

As we hit the final count down of these  eventful elections, one thing nobody knows is who will actually win the elections tomorrow. All the polls have Hillary Clinton ahead in the polls, with some polls having her 4 points ahead.  Clinton has survived some rocky storms in these elections, having her integrity seriously questioned at key stages of the elections.


The FBI’s investigations into her emails shook her otherwise effective campaign. After the email burden came back to haunt her, the same FBI’s who  looked like they may indict her, eventually exonerated her. These elections have been the most eventful in Americas history. Hilary Clinton has been in celebrity company, endorsed by Jay Z and his celebrity wife Beyonce.  She is expected to win, but the final countdown may still be the deciding factor.  Donald Trump is trailing her by a little bit, but still clearly, according to most polls. The polls are so close, that they cannot be absolutely reliable.

She is expected to win, but the final countdown may still be the deciding factor.  Donald Trump is trailing her by a little bit, but still clearly, according to most polls. The polls are so close, that they cannot be absolutely reliable. Most observers do expect Hilary Clinton to be the next American president.

In fact, some states have Trump ahead by 4-5 points. The Republican has seized every opportunity to attack Hilary Clinton’s integrity, so much that some  polls shifted towards him faster than previously once the emails issues were brought back up.

Now behind her, Hillary Clinton  appears more confident, and will give it her last shot in this riveting campaign. The mainstream media have generally been on her side, with Trump almost in the desert when it comes to media support. That’s partly because many members of the media cannot bring themselves to support a man who admitted to sexually touching women in their private parts without their consent.

 American Elections

Fame and power was his immunity from sexual complaints or any allegations, by his own admission. The billionaire property mogul has supported his own campaign financially, attacking Clinton and the media together in a fearsome manner. How different America will be if Trump wins thie American elections, Americans cannot prepare for the leadership of their country under a direct, controversial figure like Trump. H

How different America will be if Trump wins, Americans cannot prepare for the leadership of their country under a direct, controversial figure like Trump. He is considered to be honest in may ways, his temperament is unpredictable. How the  American press will handle Trump’s leadership  is something they can’t prepare for.  A trump presidency is a frightening prospect for many Americans, he is loathed in many circles.  However, there are also many who have enormous faith in him and believe he is the ebst bet for America despite any  past transgressions he may have.



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