Drug Addicts And All Smokers At Increased Risk Of Catching Coronavirus

Drug Addicts And All Smokers At Increased Risk Of Catching Coronavirus

By  Eric  King  And  Charlotte Webster-

Drug addicts and  all smokers are at an increased risk of  catching the coronavirus (COVID-19), the Department Of Health has confirmed.

Apart from the fact that drug addicts are known to congregate and share pipes, Covid 19 is particularly poses a big threat to drug addicts and all smokers in general because of its characteristic attack on the lungs.  The Coronavirus poses  an especially serious threat to those who  are addicted to drugs, tobacco or marijuana addicts. Those who vape are also at risk of catching the deadly virus

People with opioid use disorder (OUD) and methamphetamine use disorder may also be vulnerable due to the effect of those drugs .   An insider  at the Department Of Health told The Eye Of Media.Com during an important discussion about the virus that  smokers and drug addicts are very susceptible to contracting acute respiratory infections, and experiencing a prolonged duration of infections like the coronavirus, which can be fatal.

”Sharing drugs or cigarettes is particularly dangerous in these times and makes a virus like the coronavirus more transferable in times like this. It is certainly not advisable, and this is probably a good time for people to consider stopping some of their bad habits”, she said.  Individuals with a substance use disorder are more susceptible to not only catching the coronavirus , but also becoming seriously ill from it or even dying.

The odds of a Covid-19 case becoming more severe and at the most extreme, leading to death were 14 times higher among people who had a history of smoking compared to those who did not smoke because of the weaker immune system in the event of contracting the disease.


Many drug addicts also cannot resist congregating or sharing pipes, making them particularly vulnerable to catching the deadly virus as it mutates from victim to next victim. Drug addicts are advised not to share pipes because of the increased risk in catching the coronavirus and dying from it. Those who cannot afford to buy their own drug should do without and see this as an opportunity to give up but addiction is not so easy. Society still stands to loose a lot if the desperation that drives addicts to consume drugs means sharing pipes to maintain the hit they have become familiar with for years.


The consequences of the coronavirus also means that drug dealers will find it more challenging than previously to bring the same quantity of drugs into the market, potentially leading to a shortage which could make addicts compete desperately for a high. Most crack addicts smoke round the clock, loosing sleep in many cases and sharing pipes. It is most dangerous to do so in times like this. Not all addicts are indistinguishable from everyday people, and so may stand close to you in a shop, touch a door handle you touch, or even give the same cash handed back over to you as change in a shop.

Cocaine users, cannabis smokers, and cigarette smokers, are all putting themselves at higher risks of struggling to fight the virus off in the event of catching it. Most worrying is the concern that innocent people look you(if you are innocent) and I could suffer the consequences of their own irresponsible lifestyle. These are very difficult times that call  for real caution.


P.S: The content of this article was contributed to by both writers

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