Democrat : The U.S Will Move Closer To A Dictatorship Unless Trump Is Stopped

Democrat : The U.S Will Move Closer To A Dictatorship Unless Trump Is Stopped


By Aaron Miller-

The U.S will move closer to a dictatorship, Rep. Jim McGovern, the chair of the House Rules Committee, said that every day “we let President Trump act like the law doesn’t apply to him” is a day that moves the US closer to a dictatorship.

Democrat McGovern added fuel to his words when he added that the President has a habit of complimenting dictators, before bluntly insinuating that  Trump might be “jealous that they can do whatever they want.”

“It’s no secret that President Trump has a penchant for cozying up to notorious dictators. He’s complimented Vladimir Putin. Congratulated Rodrigo Duterte. Lauded President Erdogan. Fell in love with Kim Jong-Un. I can go on and on and on, and maybe the President is jealous that they can do whatever they want,” he said

“These dictators are the antithesis of what America stands for, and every day we let President Trump act like the law doesn’t apply to him, we move a little closer to them

“Now it’s up to us to decide whether the United States is still a nation where no one is above the law or whether America is allowed to become a land run by those who act more like kings or queens, as if the law doesn’t apply to them,” he said. McGovern comments were echoed  by Rep. Ben McAdams, D-Utah,  who said at a news conference that he couldn’t “turn a blind eye” to Trump’s Ukraine scandal, and Rep. Andy Kim, D-N.J, tweeted his support for the two articles of impeachment — on abuse of power and obstructing Congress. The wave, which began with committee-level votes from members of the panels investigating the president are all determined to ensure that Trump  becomes the third president impeached by the House.

Almost half (15) of the 31 Trump-district Democrats had committed to voting for impeachment, with only Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey, who is expected to switch to the Republican Party in the coming days, and Collin Peterson of Minnesota having indicated that they plan to vote no. The pre-vote announcements have underscored several political dynamics at play for these Democrats:

McGovern’s comments come as hundreds of historians added their names to calls for president Trump to be impeached and removed when articles of impeachment are considered  on Wednesday. The articles of impeachment relate to the c abuse of power when Trump’s attempted to have Ukraine investigate his political rivals, and obstruction of Congress, in his refusal to allow key aides to testify in impeachment hearings. The 13-member Rules Committee are scheduled to hear testimony from House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler.


Republicans hold 53 of the Senate’s 100 seats, and are expected to bail the president out when they make their final decision in January  whether to remove him from office if he is impeached as expected on Wednesday. Senate Graham has already openly stated that he will do his best to end the impeachment issue ‘quickly’, stating that those who do not want President Trump in power will have an opportunity to vote against him in the next elections. He made it crystal clear that he and his fellow senates will clear Trump next month, making their assessment next month as fake as a predetermined court trial of a criminal case.

The currently inflexible proneness of Republicans to keep Trump in power in the face of overwhelming evidence against him shows  the senate’s determination to act purely on partisan lines without evaluating the facts on the table and deciding the president’s fate on solid facts. Saving the U.S president from being booted out of the White House in the event of impeachment will be tantamount to a disregard for the rule of law, and even an implied endorsement of characteristics of dictatorship not just by the most powerful man in America, but by all world leaders who choose dictatorship over law.


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