Bournemouth University Investigates Student Racism And Homophobia

Bournemouth University Investigates Student Racism And Homophobia

By Gavin Mackintosh-

Bournemouth University is investigating a complaint of racism by one of its students  after the individual posted  videos construed to be racist.

The videos were exposed by a fellow Bournemouth student who posted them on Twitter after the University tweeted its support for the Black Lives Matter movement.

“Come collect your student,” the student wrote in the captions for three separate tweets underneath the University’s statement.

The fellow Bournemouth student, who wants to be anonymous, said he found the videos on TikTok. He described  them as offensive to a whole range of minorities, before tweeting the University and sending  them a mail.

He went further to tweet the news to the Bournemouth Tab, the information eventually reaching The Eye Of Media.Com through some of our sources.

Mental Illness

In one of his videos, the student paired an audio which said “maybe it’s mental illness” with the caption “the LGBT community”. In another captioned “when the new student in class is from China, miss me with that disease shit,” he tightens a hoodie around his face.

A third video depicts the student posing in front of a background of elephants. The caption reads: “Me wondering which I’m eating three grains of rice for dinner again.”

The backing track by Shakira, then says “cause this is Africa.”

The student keeps starts dancing.

“In hindsight I can see how wrong I was and how offensive they are and I am ashamed that I acted on a moment of immature judgement,” he said. “I know that this will be a harsh lesson to me for the future.

“I would like to reiterate these posts do not reflect my personal opinions or feelings at all and were never intended to cause offence or insult to anyone.

“I am not an ignorant person and come from a family and friendship group of a wide variety of ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientations and I feel utterly disappointed and ashamed that people may believe these are my true beliefs.”


Although most Universities in Britain are well integrated, with principles of tolerance ingrained in them, racism is not new in some Universities in the UK.

In 2018, Exeter University was on the spotlight for bad reasons when
racial slurs and rape ‘jokes’  featured in the private whassap messages of members of a student law society.Comments amde in the group chat had indicated that the law society should exclusively be for white people only.

They were suspended by the University of Exeter after an internal investigation.

The University was brought to disrepute after a student posted screenshots of the “racist and vile” messages – alleged to have been sent between Bracton Law Society members in advance of Facebook ahead of the society’s election.

The group chat messages suggest the Russell Group university’s law society should be for white people only, saying: “If they’re black, send em back.”

Racial slurs, derogatory terms and rape “jokes” all featured in the private WhatsApp messages between students in the Exeter University incidence.

Two men were eventually arrested after student shares video of alleged racist abuse, and The University of Exeter launched an investigation into the comments – which were made in a group chat called “Dodgy Blokes Soc”.

This incidence at Bournemouth University is nowhere as serious as that of Exeter, but still reveals elements of feelings of racial or sexual superiority that  exists in the minds of a number of students in higher education.

A spokesperson from Bournemouth University told The Eye Of Media.Com: ” The case is still going through our complaints and disciplinary procedure. Our findings may be subject to confidentiality”.

However, we have asked for transparency in the findings of the  University’s investigation, and any confidentiality must be justified if this institution of higher education is to maintain its integrity.



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